
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso 5 Beta Error

Event Espresso 5 Beta Error

Posted: January 11, 2023 at 12:39 pm

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January 11, 2023 at 12:39 pm

Hi there!

I downloaded the EE5 beta, and we keep getting this error:
The incoming statuses argument must be an array with keys as the $status_id and values as the $status_code EEM_Status – localized_status – 270
/* */

Can you please assist with this?



  • Support Staff

January 11, 2023 at 1:27 pm

Hi there,

Thank you. Can you provide more detail when this happens? What page are you using, what action are you doing? If you can give us more information we can test, or debug or try to replicate the issue so it can be addressed or so we can give you guidance.


January 12, 2023 at 5:27 am

Hi there!

We have both of these installed:
– event-espresso-core-pr
– eea-recurring-events-manager-pr

We have this on our staging site.

This is happening when we click on the menu items I’ve listed below, which are the only options available on the plugin:
– Maintenance
– Extras
– Help & Support
– Extensions & Services
– About

This error is also popping up on our staging site, which is not our error/database issue:

As part of the process for updating Event Espresso, your database also needs to be updated. Event Espresso is in COMPLETE MAINTENANCE MODE (both WordPress admin pages and front-end event registration pages are disabled) until you run the database update script. Visit the Maintenance Page to get started, it only takes a moment.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.



January 12, 2023 at 5:27 am

Hi there!

We have both of these installed:
– event-espresso-core-pr
– eea-recurring-events-manager-pr

We have this on our staging site.

This is happening when we click on the menu items I’ve listed below, which are the only options available on the plugin:
– Maintenance
– Extras
– Help & Support
– Extensions & Services
– About

This error is also popping up on our staging site, which is not our error/database issue:

As part of the process for updating Event Espresso, your database also needs to be updated. Event Espresso is in COMPLETE MAINTENANCE MODE (both WordPress admin pages and front-end event registration pages are disabled) until you run the database update script. Visit the Maintenance Page to get started, it only takes a moment.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.



  • Support Staff

January 12, 2023 at 8:55 am

Ok, so I assume you’ve installed EE5 in place of the latest version of EE4?

It’s gone into maintenance mode because there is a change in the database with EE5, so it triggers maintenance mode and asks you to run the migration scripts.

Is the error above the full error shown? No other details?

Is WP_DEBUG enabled on staging?


January 18, 2023 at 9:57 am

We are only using EE 5 beta on the dev site, there is no earlier version, so there is nothing to migrate. We may need to migrate data if we go into production with EE5. WP_DEBUG is not enabled.

When I try to go to the maintenance page, I get the following error:

The incoming statuses argument must be an array with keys as the $status_id and values as the $status_code EEM_Status – localized_status – 270

/* */

There does not seem to be a way to get to the settings to turn the mode off.


  • Support Staff

January 18, 2023 at 1:06 pm

Ohhh, interesting!

Can I take a look at staging at all? I’d like to add some debug code within the PR version to see what is happening if that’s ok?

If so I’ll need wp-admin credentials and FTP access which you can send over using this form:

Is that a ‘clean’ install then?

The sections you mentioned above suggest that Event Espresso is in maintenance mode already but if no other version of EE was install previously that should be the case.


January 18, 2023 at 2:29 pm

The installation is clean.

Yes, it’s in maintenance mode. There is no way to turn it off, as the PHP error blocks access to the page.

I’m sending the info to you.


  • Support Staff

January 18, 2023 at 6:11 pm

Hi Amanda,

For some reason a migration had been triggered but as you mentioned there was nothing to migrate. So the fatal error that happened was because the database hadn’t been set up to include the statuses, but was then trying loads the statuses as part of the migration display.

I commented out the code which threw the error and allow EE to attempt to migrate, which then ‘fixed’ the migration and ended maintenance mode.

I’ll open up a ticket for our developers to investigate this further to see if we can find out why the migration was triggered in the first place.


January 19, 2023 at 12:58 pm


We did not start a migration process. If I recall correctly, it did it automatically on the installation of the plugin.

If I upgrade the plugin to a newer beta version in the future, will it trigger the migration again?


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2023 at 2:16 pm

We did not start a migration process. If I recall correctly, it did it automatically on the installation of the plugin.

Yeah I understand, the migration process is not something you can trigger. You can work through it and either migrate the data or leave it, but you can’t manually ‘trigger’ a migration yourself.

So for some reason a migration was triggered with nothing to migrate.

If I upgrade the plugin to a newer beta version in the future, will it trigger the migration again?

As much as I’d love to answer this, without tracking down what caused this I can’t say yet. It shouldn’t do, but until we find out what the cause was I can’t say that for sure.


January 19, 2023 at 2:17 pm

OK, thank you. We should be able to do some testing now.


January 24, 2023 at 11:51 am

Hi there!

Is there a recurring events feature in EE5? I saw that there was supposed to be, but I’m not seeing it.

Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

January 24, 2023 at 1:40 pm

Hi there,

First, make sure you are using the new editor and not the legacy version.

Go to Event Espresso -> Events -> Default Settings (tab)

Make sure ‘Activate Advanced Editor?’ is set to Advanced Editor.

That’s the new EE5 editor which is what the recurring events add-on hooks into.

Then create a new event and you should see the recurring events manage when you add a datetime.


January 25, 2023 at 10:59 am

Thank you! I’ve done this and gotten it to work.

However, this recurring event manager isn’t functioning how the EE3 previously did.

Basically in EE3, you could include whatever dates you wanted under the main event, so for example let’s say we have a Photoshop Intro training class running on the following dates:

April 1-2, 2023
June 3-4, 2023
September 5-6, 2023
December 8-9, 2023

Each of these would be created a events that students could uniquely register for.

Now with EE5, it doesn’t create each of these as different events to register for, it just creates these as having access to these specific dates.

Also, this doesn’t have the custom date picker option anymore, it either has to be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. when selecting the recurring date pattern.

Is there any other way I can try doing this that I’m not trying to get this same result?

Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

January 25, 2023 at 11:13 am

EE3 and EE4+ are very different systems, the way the events work are vastly different so recurring events within EE4 wll not function in the same way they did within EE3.

Now with EE5, it doesn’t create each of these as different events to register for, it just creates these as having access to these specific dates.

That’s correct, you don’t ‘need’ a separate event like you did within EE3. A DateTime is an instance of an event and a ticket grants access to a Datetime. The event is the same for all of the above but is just held on different dates, so having completely separate events stored within the data for the ‘same’ event on X,Y,Z date isn’t necessary.

April 1-2, 2023
June 3-4, 2023
September 5-6, 2023
December 8-9, 2023

How would you previously generate those within EE3, manually entering the dates?

Also, this doesn’t have the custom date picker option anymore, it either has to be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. when selecting the recurring date pattern.

Sorry but I don’t follow, can you add more details on this?


January 25, 2023 at 12:51 pm

Hi Tony!

Thank you!

Can you walk me through this? I’m not clear on this part “That’s correct, you don’t ‘need’ a separate event like you did within EE3. A DateTime is an instance of an event and a ticket grants access to a Datetime. The event is the same for all of the above but is just held on different dates, so having completely separate events stored within the data for the ‘same’ event on X,Y,Z date isn’t necessary.”

Would you be willing to access my staging site and create an event on the scenario I shared above?

Or, are you able to record a quick video for this?

We can send you access to our staging site if that works!

Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

January 25, 2023 at 3:01 pm

Sure, send over login details using this form:


January 26, 2023 at 8:00 am

I’ve just submitted this! Thank you!!


  • Support Staff

January 26, 2023 at 11:55 am

Hi there,

The account provided doesn’t have access to Event Espresso, can you update it to be an admin account please?


January 26, 2023 at 12:27 pm

My apologies! I’ve updated this. Thank you!


  • Support Staff

January 26, 2023 at 3:01 pm

Ok, so your event in question doesn’t follow a specific pattern which makes the recurring event manage useful in helping create dates, so manually creating them works just as easily here.

I created a datetime, set the date to the correct date and gave it a name of Datetime 1, just for ease of example:

I then click the stacked icon and chose copy datetime 3 times so I had 4 datetimes. I adjusted the other 3 dates and names to suit your event.

Now you have 4 ‘instances’ of when that event will happen, 4 ‘Datetimes’.

You need a ticket for each individual datetime, so same again, create a ticket as needed and duplicate it 3 times for 4 tickets (you can have multiple tickets per datetime if needed and tickets that grant access to multiple/all datetimes if needed, the tickets are really flexible).

Example of 1 Ticket per datetime:

Once you’ve create your tickets, you can click on the ‘Ticket Assignments’ button to show which tickets are assigned to which datetimes, I went through and selected each specific datetimes ticket to its own datetime, like so:

Now you have 1 event, which has 4 datetimes and each ticket allows you to register for a specific date within that event.

Is that what you are looking for?


January 30, 2023 at 7:15 am

Hi Tony!

Thank you so much for this! Yes, this is what we were looking for, however, there is one more thing.

For each datetime, there would be at least 3 different ticket amounts, one for commercial clients, one for education clients, and one for government clients. How would we best do this?

It seems that it would be super complicated to have 3 datetime tickets labeled as such, there would be way too many options.

Is there another way to think to do this?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2023 at 7:45 am

For each datetime, there would be at least 3 different ticket amounts, one for commercial clients, one for education clients, and one for government clients. How would we best do this?

How do you determine those during the checkout? Do they have an account they log into or are they just selecting the relevant ticket?

It seems that it would be super complicated to have 3 datetime tickets labeled as such, there would be way too many options.

That is how you would do this, each DateTime would have 3 ticket types, one for commercial clients, one for education clients and one for government. There’s way around that if they have a different ticket type, your need a ticket within the event for them.


January 30, 2023 at 11:57 am

Hi there!

This is how we are currently doing it:

So if we did this same thing on the beta site, how would that show up? Could we get it to appear similar to the example I’ve shared above?

also, I have a couple other questions for you:

1. Can you use this recurring event manager in EE4?
2. Do you know when EE5 will be released?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2023 at 3:01 pm

So if we did this same thing on the beta site, how would that show up? Could we get it to appear similar to the example I’ve shared above?

That’s EE3 with a recurring event and separate tickets within each single event, EE4 doesn’t work the same way, other than creating individual events yourself for those (maybe including the date within the slug/url) you can’t set up EE4 to create events in the same way.

1. Can you use this recurring event manager in EE4?

Which recurring event manager? The one for EE3? No.

The current version you are testing on the beta site? That IS the recurring events manager for EE4 (EE5 is essentially an update to EE4) but your events don’t follow a recurring pattern to follow.

2. Do you know when EE5 will be released?

We are working hard in the background to get EE5 released asap.

I can’t give yo a specific ETA but hopefully ‘soon’.


January 31, 2023 at 5:46 am

Okay, thank you!

Do you think there would be any way we could migrate our EE3 data to EE4?



  • Support Staff

January 31, 2023 at 6:07 am

Do you think there would be any way we could migrate our EE3 data to EE4?

When you first install EE4/5 is runs a check to see if there is any EE3 data within the database and will offer to migrate that data over to EE4 for you.

If you clone your live site onto a staging site and then install EE4 there you will see this in action.

The issue you had above with the migration error was because part of the migration was triggered for some reason on your site but then data was found and it threw an error.

Copy live to a new staging site, install EE4 there and run the migrations, EE4 will pull in all of the data it can from your EE3 events.


January 31, 2023 at 11:47 am

Have you seen EE3 to EE4 successful migrations, or do you think it’s better to start over from scratch?

Also, would it be seamless to migrate from EE4 to EE5?



  • Support Staff

January 31, 2023 at 12:10 pm

Have you seen EE3 to EE4 successful migrations, or do you think it’s better to start over from scratch?

Sure, I’ve seen many migrations. It really depends on the situation and if you need the previous data.

For example, if you already have a lot of registrations for future events, it’s likely worth running the migrations. If you don’t have any, personally I would start fresh and keep the EE3 data as my ‘archive’ on a dev site somewhere.

Also, would it be seamless to migrate from EE4 to EE5?

Yes, EE5 is an update to EE4, its not a completely new data schema like it was for EE3 -> EE4.


February 1, 2023 at 6:15 am

Thank you for this information!

If needed, do you have consulting services that could support us with our migration from EE3 to EE4? As we would like all of our data migrated to EE4 for historical data and many future registrations we already have in the system.


  • Support Staff

February 1, 2023 at 10:34 am

If needed, do you have consulting services that could support us with our migration from EE3 to EE4?

This is difficult to answer because it depends on what needs to be done, we can do some with support tokens but if it’s an issue with how the theme displays the events afterwards we generally don’t work on those issues.

To explain, EE3 had its own ‘template’ system within it, the events were basically completely separate from your posts and didn’t rely on your theme. EE4 events are custom post types, the output for those depends more heavily on your theme. Generally, they’ll work fine without any issues at all, but if the theme is doing something completely unexpected it can cause issues which then require fixes within the theme itself and not EE.


We can help with issues from migration process itself however, the migration steps themselves are fairly self-explanatory, it will ask you to start the migration step and when complete, confirm and click to start the next one (repeat until all steps are complete). There isn’t much you (or we) can do during the migration other than site and wait for the progress bar to complete and click to move on to the next step so it’s generally recommended that you do that yourself as the time adds up and would be chargeable.

I highly recommend testing the migration process on a dev/staging copy of the site to see if you have any issues away from the live site and we can advise further on what needs to be done from there.

As mentioned, generally, migrations go smoothly and for the most part, just work but it’s recommend to test it due to the sheer number of theme and plugin combinations each site can have.


February 6, 2023 at 5:46 am

Thank you for explaining!

We will be working on this and let you know if we run into any issues.

Thank you again for all of your support!!


  • Support Staff

February 6, 2023 at 6:06 am

You’re most welcome 🙂


February 15, 2023 at 1:11 pm

Hi there!

We are using EE4 on our staging site. The EE3 to EE4 migration went very well!

We tested using the new shortcode, if you go to this page under the “Dates to Register” section, it’s displaying like this:

This isn’t ideal, currently in EE3 we have it displaying like this:

Is there any way to replicate the way we are doing it now? Even if it’s some what closer, especially removing that HUGE logo that is displaying on the staging site.

We really appreciate your help on this!

Thank you so much!


February 16, 2023 at 6:53 am

I have a couple of other questions too:

1. Can we change “Qty” to “Select” on Event Page? 

2.Is there any way to change the ticket price after a person is registered? We have scenarios where we have to change the ticket price based on some volume bulk discounts and were able to do that with EE. I couldn’t find a way in EE4 to do this but may be missing it. Thanks!


  • Support Staff

February 16, 2023 at 11:16 am

Is there any way to replicate the way we are doing it now? Even if it’s some what closer, especially removing that HUGE logo that is displaying on the staging site.

Hmmm, so this is where you are getting a bit of a clash between how EE3 handled recurring events and how EE4 does.

You’ve migrated over a recurring series of events, which in EE3 are separate events. The migrations crips pull those over as individual events within EE4.

With EE3 you’ve used a table to display the events from that series (I assume using a category, correct?)

The closest output we have for that is the EE4 Table View Template.

Moving forward with that tpe of event using EE5 and the Recurring events manager (REM for short) would you be using a single event with multiple datetimes/tickets?

1. Can we change “Qty” to “Select” on Event Page?

Most likely yes, but the link given is for a checkout page, thats linked to your session so I can’t view that.

Can you add a screenshot of where you want to change?

2.Is there any way to change the ticket price after a person is registered? We have scenarios where we have to change the ticket price based on some volume bulk discounts and were able to do that with EE.

Not in the same way you could with EE3 no.

You can ‘move’ a registration onto another ticket using the attendee mover add-on which could have a discounted price, or you can apply a promotion to the transaction using the promotions add-on to discount the price.

Would either of those work for you? I’ll add more details if so.


February 21, 2023 at 5:57 am

1. EE4 Table View Template:

I think this should work for us! Here is a screenshot of what it looks like: — I have a couple of questions.
1. Can we adjust this so it doesn’t include the category filter, if we don’t want that?
2. Do we have to adjust the CSS on our end for this? This “Register” buttons aren’t appearing in that column.
3. Is there any way to get the end date to appear?

Moving forward with that tpe of event using EE5 and the Recurring events manager (REM for short) would you be using a single event with multiple datetimes/tickets?

I think we are going to stick with how these came over, so creating individual events for each date, with the multiple tickets for each. This should work well! Question: Is there a way to import events in EE4? I see you can import attendees. This says you can through the recurring manager? but can I import events how they are displaying now from the migration?

2. Can we change “Qty” to “Select” on Event Page?

Most likely yes, but the link given is for a checkout page, thats linked to your session so I can’t view that.

Can you add a screenshot of where you want to change?

Thank you for this! I actually think we may just leave this for now.

3.Is there any way to change the ticket price after a person is registered? We have scenarios where we have to change the ticket price based on some volume bulk discounts and were able to do that with EE.

Not in the same way you could with EE3 no.

You can ‘move’ a registration onto another ticket using the attendee mover add-on which could have a discounted price, or you can apply a promotion to the transaction using the promotions add-on to discount the price.

Would either of those work for you? I’ll add more details if so.

We tried this and we won’t be able to do it how we are currently doing it in EE3 with this. However, I think that we will just have to change our process slightly to make this work.

Additional Questions:

1. The Download PDF button on the invoice won’t work:

It gives me an error: “There has been a critical error on this website.”

Do you have any guidance on this?

2. Do you know how we could add “Flexible payment method”? I need help finding an option to add a PO number. The closest thing I see is a “PMD,” which does not appear to be the same.

3. Can we automatically have a 2nd person copied on the emails from EE? Currently, we use a custom registration form question called “Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)” and we want that field to auto-send any emails the main attendee gets.

Is there a way to get the shortcode for that manager’s email? This way, we should be able to add this to the various email templates in the CC field. Or if you have any other ideas.

4. If someone is in pending payment can you prevent from taking on another registration? For example, we had 4 seats we were able to offer. We have 3 registrations with payments, and one registration with payment pending, but it still allows someone to register, when we are working to get that last payment. How would we handle this?


  • Support Staff

February 21, 2023 at 6:30 am

1. Can we adjust this so it doesn’t include the category filter, if we don’t want that?

Just add category_filter=false to the shortcode to remove the filter.

We have a list of available shortcode parameters here:

2. Do we have to adjust the CSS on our end for this? This “Register” buttons aren’t appearing in that column.

There are styles on your site specifically targeting those links and setting the text to be white:

Either remove that from your style.css file or add something like this:

#ee_filter_table a.a_register_link {
    color: #000!important;

To specifically change the colour of those links in the table.

3. Is there any way to get the end date to appear?

It is possible to do, you’ll need to override the default template with your own version loaded from your theme.

How comfortable are you with HTML, PHP and FTP?

Question: Is there a way to import events in EE4?

Not currently no, we did have an event import function a while back using a CSV… however, due to the relationships set up within EE4 it meant the CSV was fairly complex and users would make mistakes which then caused more problems than it solved so we had to remove it.

Eventually, we would like some kind of import function but it will be a while before we add one in.

Thank you for this! I actually think we may just leave this for now.

No problem 🙂

It gives me an error: “There has been a critical error on this website.”

Check your servers error logs, that error will be a PHP fatal error and I’ll need that full error to troubleshoot this further.

2. Do you know how we could add “Flexible payment method”? I need help finding an option to add a PO number. The closest thing I see is a “PMD,” which does not appear to be the same.

PMD? Where is that?

Are you looking for the admin to add the PO number with a payment, or the user to add it on the front end during registration?

3. Can we automatically have a 2nd person copied on the emails from EE? Currently, we use a custom registration form question called “Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)” and we want that field to auto-send any emails the main attendee gets.

Is there a way to get the shortcode for that manager’s email? This way, we should be able to add this to the various email templates in the CC field. Or if you have any other ideas.

Where is the “Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)” filled added to the registration form? Primary registrant questions?

If so you can use the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*] shortcode to pull a value to a specific question asked to the primary registrant. You pass the ‘question text’ value of the question to the shortcode after the *, so in your case it looks like the shortcode would be:

[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)]

4. If someone is in pending payment can you prevent from taking on another registration? For example, we had 4 seats we were able to offer. We have 3 registrations with payments, and one registration with payment pending, but it still allows someone to register, when we are working to get that last payment. How would we handle this?

Only ‘Approved’ registrations count towards your sold values, so in the above you need to set the ‘Default Registration Status’ on that event to be ‘Approved’, which means all registrations on that event that finalize will automatically be set to Approved regardless of payment status.

You (the admin) can then work on collecting those payments (the transaction will show as incomplete) and no-one else can register. If you want to open up the space again you just manually set that registration to be Pending Payment.

Make sense?


February 22, 2023 at 6:32 am

1. Can we adjust this so it doesn’t include the category filter, if we don’t want that?
Just add category_filter=false to the shortcode to remove the filter.
We have a list of available shortcode parameters here:

Awesome. This worked great!

2. Do we have to adjust the CSS on our end for this? This “Register” buttons aren’t appearing in that column.
There are styles on your site specifically targeting those links and setting the text to be white:
Either remove that from your style.css file or add something like this:
#ee_filter_table a.a_register_link {
color: #000!important;
To specifically change the colour of those links in the table.

Awesome. This worked great!

3. Is there any way to get the end date to appear?
It is possible to do, you’ll need to override the default template with your own version loaded from your theme.
How comfortable are you with HTML, PHP and FTP?

We don’t want to attempt this and break it. Would you be able to write the function for this in a template and send it over to us?

Question: Is there a way to import events in EE4?
Not currently no, we did have an event import function a while back using a CSV… however, due to the relationships set up within EE4 it meant the CSV was fairly complex and users would make mistakes which then caused more problems than it solved so we had to remove it.
Eventually, we would like some kind of import function but it will be a while before we add one in.

Ok, that would be amazing.

It gives me an error: “There has been a critical error on this website.”
Check your servers error logs, that error will be a PHP fatal error and I’ll need that full error to troubleshoot this further.

Here is the error log:

2. Do you know how we could add “Flexible payment method”? I need help finding an option to add a PO number. The closest thing I see is a “PMD,” which does not appear to be the same.
PMD? Where is that?
Are you looking for the admin to add the PO number with a payment, or the user to add it on the front end during registration?

We are looking to add the PO # as a payment option. Is this possible? I don’t see the flexible payment options in the backend of EE. Please let me know if you would like us to provide login credentials for you to take a look at our staging site.

3. Can we automatically have a 2nd person copied on the emails from EE? Currently, we use a custom registration form question called “Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)” and we want that field to auto-send any emails the main attendee gets.
Is there a way to get the shortcode for that manager’s email? This way, we should be able to add this to the various email templates in the CC field. Or if you have any other ideas.
Where is the “Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)” filled added to the registration form? Primary registrant questions?
If so you can use the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*] shortcode to pull a value to a specific question asked to the primary registrant. You pass the ‘question text’ value of the question to the shortcode after the *, so in your case it looks like the shortcode would be:
[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Manager Email Address (for Confirmation Email)]
Awesome! This worked great!

4. If someone is in pending payment can you prevent from taking on another registration? For example, we had 4 seats we were able to offer. We have 3 registrations with payments, and one registration with payment pending, but it still allows someone to register, when we are working to get that last payment. How would we handle this?
Only ‘Approved’ registrations count towards your sold values, so in the above you need to set the ‘Default Registration Status’ on that event to be ‘Approved’, which means all registrations on that event that finalize will automatically be set to Approved regardless of payment status.
You (the admin) can then work on collecting those payments (the transaction will show as incomplete) and no-one else can register. If you want to open up the space again you just manually set that registration to be Pending Payment.
Make sense?

Amazing! Got this set properly.


  • Support Staff

February 22, 2023 at 7:21 am

Have you edited any of the Invoice message templates?

The fatal is from DOMPDF trying to part the HTML and it is much more finicky over invalid HTML.

We are looking to add the PO # as a payment option. Is this possible? I don’t see the flexible payment options in the backend of EE.

Oh, I see. We don’t have a payment method for collecting a PO Number on the payment options step, you would need to collect that on the registration form.

The flexible payment method is a separate add-on you need to download and install (It is not included as part of the EE3 license), however, it wont collect details like above so I don’t think it will work for you here.


February 22, 2023 at 10:30 am


1. Yes I did edit the invoice message template, here is the code:
<div class=”print_button_div noPrint”>

<div class=”clear”></div>
<div id=”invoice”>
<table id=”invoice-header” class=”not-really-a-table”>
<td id=”logo-dv”>[INVOICE_LOGO]


<div id=”invoice-info”>
<h2 id=”invoice-hdr”>Invoice</h2>


Transaction ID: [TXN_ID]

<td id=”instructions” colspan=”2″></td>
<div id=”client-details” class=”vcard”>
<div class=”fn”></div>
<h2 class=”section-title”>Registration Event Information</h2>
<p class=”events”>[EVENT_LIST]</p>

<table class=”invoice-amount”>
<tr class=”header_row”>
<th class=”left ticket_th”>Item</th>
<th class=”left event_th”>Description</th>
<th class=”quantity_th”>Qty</th>
<th class=”left event_th”>Price</th>
<th class=”subtotal_th item_r”>Total</th>
<td colspan=”5″>[TICKET_LIST]</td>
<tr class=”total_tr odd”>
<td colspan=”2″></td>
<td id=”total_currency” class=”total” colspan=”2″>Total</td>
<td class=”total”>[TOTAL_OWING]</td>
<td colspan=”5″></td>
<tr class=”total_tr odd”>
<td colspan=”2″></td>
<td id=”total_currency” class=”total” colspan=”2″>Total Paid</td>
<td class=”total”>[TOTAL_AMOUNT_PAID]</td>
<table id=”invoice-header” class=”not-really-a-table”>
<td id=”instructions” colspan=”2″>
<h1 style=”text-align: center;”>[PAYMENT_LINK_IF_NEEDED_*]</h1>




2. Thank you! We will get this added.

3. Is there any way to export all event data? In EE3, there was a button for this, and these reports are important for us to be able to export. I couldn’t find anything online in my research or in EE4.



February 22, 2023 at 10:56 am

Disregard the invoice, I got it resolved. thanks!


February 22, 2023 at 12:50 pm

Regarding the Table view shortcodes, as we don’t want to to attempt this and break it. Would you be able to write the function to remove the end date for us in a template and send it over to us?


February 24, 2023 at 8:01 am

Another question for you:
I set up a flexible payment option for a Purchase Order. I would like to have a field where the person can enter the PO # on the payment screen once they select that payment option. Is this possible? We had this in EE3. I know there is a PO field in the backend of EE4 so I wonder if it can be tied to that?



February 27, 2023 at 9:42 am

Hi there!

Sorry for my multiple messages, I wanted to put my outstanding questions here to check in on:

1. I set up a flexible payment option for a Purchase Order. I would like to have a field where the person can enter the PO # on the payment screen once they select that payment option. Is this possible? We had this in EE3. I know there is a PO field in the backend of EE4 so can it be tied to that?

2. Regarding the Table view shortcodes: We don’t want to attempt this and break it. Can you write the function to remove the end date for us in a template and send it to us?

3. Is there any way to export all event data to an Excel file? In EE3, there was a button for this, and these reports are essential for us to be able to export. I couldn’t find anything online in my research or in EE4.

Thank you so much!


  • Support Staff

February 27, 2023 at 2:31 pm

1. I set up a flexible payment option for a Purchase Order. I would like to have a field where the person can enter the PO # on the payment screen once they select that payment option. Is this possible? We had this in EE3. I know there is a PO field in the backend of EE4 so can it be tied to that?

Not currently, we don’t have a payment option that can collect a PO PO Number on the payment options step, you would need to collect that on the registration form.

2. Regarding the Table view shortcodes: We don’t want to attempt this and break it. Can you write the function to remove the end date for us in a template and send it to us?

Remove or add? I assume add as its not in the table view by default, how do you want to display this within the table view? Another column?

3. Is there any way to export all event data to an Excel file? In EE3, there was a button for this, and these reports are essential for us to be able to export. I couldn’t find anything online in my research or in EE4.

Hmm, we don’t have an event export like EE3.

What details do you need within the report?


February 28, 2023 at 5:43 am

1. Okay, thank you!

2. Sorry, you’re right! I meant add, yes if you could add this as a column next to the start date.

3. In this report, I would need the Event Name, Start Date, Start Time, and Attendees.

One more question for you: Is there any way you can customize the CSV registrations export that comes from EE4? I realized that when I export a class of registrations, it doesn’t include the event name which we need in the actual export of the report. Is this possible?


  • Support Staff

February 28, 2023 at 3:13 pm

2. Sorry, you’re right! I meant add, yes if you could add this as a column next to the start date.

Usually we would not provide customizations like this but this is basically just copying what is already there and change the ‘start’ to ‘end’ so I’ve added it here:

If you save that template file within your child theme’s root directory it will override the default template. Or if you name the file something else you can pass the template name to the shortcode:

[ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE template_file=espresso-events-table-template-end-date.template.php]

Would call the template file called espresso-events-table-template-end-date.template.php

Which means you can have default output elsewhere and just use the above in specific locations.

3. In this report, I would need the Event Name, Start Date, Start Time, and Attendees.

We don’t have those reports within EE4, however you can export registrations for specific events within Event Espresso -> Events -> {hover over event name} -> Registrations. Then click to export the report from there.

That report can also be filtered to include additional values or remove what is set there already.

One more question for you: Is there any way you can customize the CSV registrations export that comes from EE4? I realized that when I export a class of registrations, it doesn’t include the event name which we need in the actual export of the report. Is this possible?

Yes, the output is filtered so you can do that via code.

We have some examples here:


March 1, 2023 at 1:11 pm

Usually we would not provide customizations like this but this is basically just copying what is already there and change the ‘start’ to ‘end’ so I’ve added it here:

If you save that template file within your child theme’s root directory it will override the default template. Or if you name the file something else you can pass the template name to the shortcode:

[ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE template_file=espresso-events-table-template-end-date.template.php]

Would call the template file called espresso-events-table-template-end-date.template.php

Which means you can have default output elsewhere and just use the above in specific locations.

Thank you for this! However, when my web developer adds this it isn’t overriding the template. This is the shortcode we have in there – [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE category_slug=storyline-508-accessibility show_expired=false category_filter=false table_search=false]

I would prefer we override it vs. updating the shortcode if possible so I don’t have to go and edit 90+ pages with the shortcode.

One more question for you: Is there any way you can customize the CSV registrations export that comes from EE4? I realized that when I export a class of registrations, it doesn’t include the event name which we need in the actual export of the report. Is this possible?

Yes, the output is filtered so you can do that via code.

We have some examples here:

Thanks so much! I looked through these but I didn’t see one that pulled the event name. Do you know how you would do this? Also, where in the code would we add this?


  • Support Staff

March 1, 2023 at 1:23 pm

Thank you for this! However, when my web developer adds this it isn’t overriding the template. This is the shortcode we have in there – [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE category_slug=storyline-508-accessibility show_expired=false category_filter=false table_search=false]

I would prefer we override it vs. updating the shortcode if possible so I don’t have to go and edit 90+ pages with the shortcode.

What is the exact filename they have used and which location did they save it to?

Thanks so much! I looked through these but I didn’t see one that pulled the event name. Do you know how you would do this? Also, where in the code would we add this?

How are you filtering the registrations to export them?

I recommend adding all/any snippets into a custom functions plugin:

You can add that to a custom functions plugin on your site, we have some documentation on creating one here:


March 2, 2023 at 7:11 am

1. Thank you! We had it in the wrong location.

2. I need to filter them by class, but this is not available, so I had to export the entire upcoming registrations list so get what I needed. Is there a better way to do this with the option you recommended?


  • Support Staff

March 2, 2023 at 7:31 am

For #1 your most welcome.

For #2… filtering by class is not available?

You want a report of the registrations on a specific event? Is that right?

If so go to Event Espresso -> Events -> {hover over event} -> Registrations.

That will list all registrations linked to the event you hovered over, clicking to export there will apply the filters so it only exports the registration relevant.

You can also filter by datetime within events.


March 2, 2023 at 11:10 am

The issue with exporting it from within the event registrations page is that when you export this it doesn’t include the actual class name in the export. I know that the excel sheet is including all students in the “Photoshop Intro” class for example, however, I need to have the event name in there for some operational things we do on our end. Is that possible?


  • Support Staff

March 2, 2023 at 2:58 pm

Ohhhh, yeah, it sure is.

The CSV reports are filtered which means you can include pretty much anything in there.

Something like this will always include the event name:

In the event column the format is {event_name} ({event_id})

You can add that to a custom functions plugin on your site, we have some documentation on creating one here:


March 3, 2023 at 6:47 am

Thank you for this! I will see if we can try this. Where does this get added in the backend of EE?

Also, one more question, is there any way to pull how many attendees are in a particular event in a report? We are using the All Export plugin and when exporting CSV data of events, I can’t find the field for # of attendees/seats sold in the event.


March 3, 2023 at 7:02 am

Another question for you, is there a way to get a PDF download of the Table View Template where it would download a PDF list of all events listed in the table? I didn’t see it in the documentation.


  • Support Staff

March 3, 2023 at 8:58 am

Where does this get added in the backend of EE?

It doesn’t 🙂

You place snippets in a custom functions plugin or possibly your themes functions.php file, althought a custom functions plugin is preferred.

We are using the All Export plugin and when exporting CSV data of events, I can’t find the field for # of attendees/seats sold in the event.

    You’ll likely need some custom code to do that within that plugin.

    Another question for you, is there a way to get a PDF download of the Table View Template where it would download a PDF list of all events listed in the table? I didn’t see it in the documentation.

    We don’t generate any PDFs with the front end outputs from EE, only the Invoice and Receipts, can I ask what the use case for that PDF is?


    March 3, 2023 at 10:07 am

    1. Thank you! If I am trying to get the code value name for pulling the attendees that are registered in the event in a column, is the value “attendees”? (i.e. just how you had {event_name})

    These are the two reports I would like:

    a. Report #1
    Event Title: event_name
    Event Start Date: start_date
    Attendees: attendees

    b. Report #2:
    Event Title: event_name
    [all other information included in the Registration Export]

    What would the code be for that based on this example you provided to me?

    I really appreciate your help!

    2. We want our clients to be able to download a class schedule pdf of our EE events. Is this possible?


    • Support Staff

    March 3, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    1. Thank you! If I am trying to get the code value name for pulling the attendees that are registered in the event in a column, is the value “attendees”? (i.e. just how you had {event_name})

    Wait, I guess I’m getting confused on what you are using here.

    How are you running this report?

    Are you asking for another column within the registration RSV report or is this something else?

    The {event_name} I mentioned above was just highlighting the format of the text used in the field, the actual code used for that is this full section.

    2. We want our clients to be able to download a class schedule pdf of our EE events. Is this possible?

    Oh I see, no that’s not something we have available at this time.


    March 3, 2023 at 12:42 pm

    1. There are two reports I’m looking for:

    a. Yes, I am looking for another column within the registration CSV report that has the event name under the specific event. There is a Mass registration report that you can get that includes ALL registrations and this does have the Event title, but the CSV downloads that are just the registrations for a particular event doesn’t include the Event title in them.

    b. I am also wondering if there is a way either using this same code you have to pull another report that includes the Event title, Event Start Date, and Number of Attendees registered, or if you can explain how I could potentially code this into my “All Export” plugin that I have. Or, in general, if you have any ideas of how I can get a report with this information, I’m desperate on this because this is a crucial report we need.

    Thank you so much for all of your help!


    • Support Staff

    March 3, 2023 at 1:08 pm

    a. Yes, I am looking for another column within the registration CSV report that has the event name under the specific event. There is a Mass registration report that you can get that includes ALL registrations and this does have the Event title, but the CSV downloads that are just the registrations for a particular event doesn’t include the Event title in them.

    Sure, the snippet in my reply above does that:

    Put that snippet into a custom functions plugin on the site and event the even specific reports will include the event name.

    b. I am also wondering if there is a way either using this same code you have to pull another report that includes the Event title, Event Start Date, and Number of Attendees registered, or if you can explain how I could potentially code this into my “All Export” plugin that I have. Or, in general, if you have any ideas of how I can get a report with this information, I’m desperate on this because this is a crucial report we need.

    We don’t have an ‘event report’ like this, so there’s nothing we can use a snippet to change to suit your needs. You would basically need your own report for this.

    Does it need to be a CSV report or would an output on a page work?


    March 3, 2023 at 1:12 pm

    1. Thanks so much!

    2. An output on a page could work, I’m open to try it!


    March 7, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Hi again!

    We have EE4 on a staging site, and we are targeting to get EE4 moved over to our website by March 17th.

    Since we’ve been on the staging site configuring everything and testing with EE4, we have registrations still populating in EE3, so we need to plan to get that updated in EE4.

    Do you think the best way to do this is to manually import those registrations from EE3 to EE4? Or, is there a better/easier way to do this?

    Thanks so much!


    March 7, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    Also, I am trying to test out the Event Espresso importer, but I only have access to the Event Espresso 3 version 0.1. Is this the correct version? I don’t see the “Importer” menu item in EE4. Thanks!


    March 8, 2023 at 6:44 am

    Hi there!

    Another couple of questions for you:

    1. We need to update our event structured data:

    Would you be able to help us do this? Or, do you have any recommendations on doing this? I see this article: but I’m not sure if there is anything else we need to do?

    2. When you go to the “Events” or “Registrations” view, it’s constantly showing me old inactive/passed events by default. Is there any way to set the default to only show upcoming events, and sort the dates in Ascending order by default?


    March 9, 2023 at 6:49 am

    We want to edit the message when a class is full – it’s showing that it’s located here class=”no-ticket-selector-msg clear-float”

    Would you be able to provide us with a PHP filter where we can change the output to whatever we want? We can add that to the functions.php file.

    Thanks much!


    • Support Staff

    March 9, 2023 at 7:58 am

    Do you think the best way to do this is to manually import those registrations from EE3 to EE4? Or, is there a better/easier way to do this?

    Currently yes, that will be the easiest method for this.

    Once you’ve migrated over to EE4 you can’t migrate the ‘new’ data over without doing it all again by copying the tables over and running the migrations, but you will lost anything you’ve done within EE4 already.

    Also, I am trying to test out the Event Espresso importer, but I only have access to the Event Espresso 3 version 0.1. Is this the correct version? I don’t see the “Importer” menu item in EE4. Thanks!

    No, none of the EE3 add-ons work with EE4, you’ll likely be better off switching to the EE4 everything license so you get access to all of the add-ons.

    1. We need to update our event structured data:

    What is it you want to update? EE4 includes event schema data s are you looking to change it?

    2. When you go to the “Events” or “Registrations” view, it’s constantly showing me old inactive/passed events by default. Is there any way to set the default to only show upcoming events, and sort the dates in Ascending order by default?

    Can I view this on the site? IF so send temp login details using this form:

    Would you be able to provide us with a PHP filter where we can change the output to whatever we want? We can add that to the functions.php file.

    I have a couple of examples for that here:


    March 9, 2023 at 8:52 am

    Do you think the best way to do this is to manually import those registrations from EE3 to EE4? Or, is there a better/easier way to do this?

    Currently yes, that will be the easiest method for this.

    Once you’ve migrated over to EE4 you can’t migrate the ‘new’ data over without doing it all again by copying the tables over and running the migrations, but you will lost anything you’ve done within EE4 already.

    Also, I am trying to test out the Event Espresso importer, but I only have access to the Event Espresso 3 version 0.1. Is this the correct version? I don’t see the “Importer” menu item in EE4. Thanks!

    No, none of the EE3 add-ons work with EE4, you’ll likely be better off switching to the EE4 everything license so you get access to all of the add-ons.

    Ok, will do! Since we still have EE3 active until we migrate next week, will upgrading to the EE4 everything license cause issues with using EE3 until then?

    1. We need to update our event structured data:

    What is it you want to update? EE4 includes event schema data s are you looking to change it?

    Nevermind, we got this resolved. Thanks much!

    2. When you go to the “Events” or “Registrations” view, it’s constantly showing me old inactive/passed events by default. Is there any way to set the default to only show upcoming events, and sort the dates in Ascending order by default?

    Can I view this on the site? IF so send temp login details using this form:

    I’ve submitted this. Thanks much!

    Would you be able to provide us with a PHP filter where we can change the output to whatever we want? We can add that to the functions.php file.

    I have a couple of examples for that here:

    Thanks much! We will try this.


    March 9, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Two more questions for ya!

    1. Can we add a column in the “Event” view that includes the names of the People admin that are assigned? Currently, it’s showing the # of people admin assigned, but it would be awesome if it could display the actual names for a better at a glance overview.

    2. With EE4, is there a way that we can send a custom email template to a student as needed? Like for example, if we need to send a student an invoice and want to put more context that we need their payment (it would be slightly different from the “Pending Payment” email – can we create a custom template and just send it to that select student?

    I saw this but it doesn’t look like it includes the singular emails I’m looking for. Thanks!


    • Support Staff

    March 9, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    Ok, will do! Since we still have EE3 active until we migrate next week, will upgrading to the EE4 everything license cause issues with using EE3 until then?

    The license doesn’t change anything on your site, its used for updates and support (and what you get access to on your account), so you can swap and change without issue.

    1. Can we add a column in the “Event” view that includes the names of the People admin that are assigned? Currently, it’s showing the # of people admin assigned, but it would be awesome if it could display the actual names for a better at a glance overview.

    The admin list tables are filtered so you can change what is displayed there, however, I don’t have an example of adding people to that section.

    Here are the examples I have:

    Your developer can use those as a base to create something or your specific needs.

    2. With EE4, is there a way that we can send a custom email template to a student as needed? Like for example, if we need to send a student an invoice and want to put more context that we need their payment (it would be slightly different from the “Pending Payment” email – can we create a custom template and just send it to that select student?

    The batch/newsletter feature allows you to select a specific registration and send an email to them, although the content you can include in that is limited.

    Sending payment reminders to specific registrants can be done and you can customize the message sent using that, although it’s an event template rather than one you select for specific registrations. So you would create a custom payment reminder template, include the details you need to within that, set it on the specific event this registration is for and trigger the payment reminder. You can then change the template assigned to the event back to the global one if needed.

    So yes, it is possible to do, but likely a little different than you are expecting currently, it should suit your request above, but not in the exact way I think you are requesting.

    I can walk through that more if needed?


    • Support Staff

    March 9, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    For the events menu you can use this snippet:

    That will default to the events only showing upcoming events by default.


    March 10, 2023 at 7:05 am

    The license doesn’t change anything on your site, its used for updates and support (and what you get access to on your account), so you can swap and change without issue.

    Thank you so much!

    1. Can we add a column in the “Event” view that includes the names of the People admin that are assigned? Currently, it’s showing the # of people admin assigned, but it would be awesome if it could display the actual names for a better at a glance overview.

    The admin list tables are filtered so you can change what is displayed there, however, I don’t have an example of adding people to that section.

    Here are the examples I have:

    Your developer can use those as a base to create something or your specific needs.

    Ok, thank you! Is there any other code you can provide so we would know what to change it to for people admin to show up? I’m not sure where to get that information from.

    2. With EE4, is there a way that we can send a custom email template to a student as needed? Like for example, if we need to send a student an invoice and want to put more context that we need their payment (it would be slightly different from the “Pending Payment” email – can we create a custom template and just send it to that select student?

    The batch/newsletter feature allows you to select a specific registration and send an email to them, although the content you can include in that is limited.

    Sending payment reminders to specific registrants can be done and you can customize the message sent using that, although it’s an event template rather than one you select for specific registrations. So you would create a custom payment reminder template, include the details you need to within that, set it on the specific event this registration is for and trigger the payment reminder. You can then change the template assigned to the event back to the global one if needed.

    So yes, it is possible to do, but likely a little different than you are expecting currently, it should suit your request above, but not in the exact way I think you are requesting.

    I can walk through that more if needed?

    Ok, thank you! I will try to play around with it more and probably come back with more questions.

    For the events menu you can use this snippet:

    That will default to the events only showing upcoming events by default.

    Amazing! Thanks!


    March 14, 2023 at 9:20 am


    I wanted to check in to see if you have any other code you can provide for adding the “People Admin” actual names in the Events view to display? I’m not sure where to get that information from.

    …and I have one other question:

    I have the table view on this page, but it’s not showing these in date order from soonest to latest. Is there a setting I have incorrect?


    March 14, 2023 at 9:48 am

    Sorry two other things:

    1. Is there any way to download this table view as a CSV/Excel file?

    2. Can we change EDT to be EST for all times?


    March 16, 2023 at 6:08 am

    Hi there!

    I have another question. We are trying to use the Quickbooks Payment Gateway with EE4:

    However, is there a simpler way to do this? Or, do you already have the code built out that we can use.



    March 16, 2023 at 6:12 am

    Sorry, another thing, we realized that when we use the Event Mover tool, to move a student to a new date/ticket, on the invoice it’s still showing the previous class which could be confusing. See example here:

    Is there a way to only have the new date that they were moved to?


    • Support Staff

    March 16, 2023 at 6:43 am

    I wanted to check in to see if you have any other code you can provide for adding the “People Admin” actual names in the Events view to display? I’m not sure where to get that information from.

    How to get the people assigned to an individual event?

    If you have the EE_Event object within an $event variable you can then use something like:

    $people = EEH_People_View::get_people_for_event($event);

    $people will now be an array of EE_Person objects assigned to the event, you can loop over that and output the details you need.

    Is that what you are looking for?

    1. Is there any way to download this table view as a CSV/Excel file?

    No, we don’t have any options to convert front end outputs into CSV. The only CSV’s within EE are the registrations reports.

    2. Can we change EDT to be EST for all times?

    The times displayed by Event Espresso are based on your Timezone set in General Settings. Dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Timezone. If you change it there EE will output the timezone selected.

    However, is there a simpler way to do this? Or, do you already have the code built out that we can use.

    Sorry, can you explain what you mean further here?

    The QuickBooks payment method is a separate add-on you install as a plugin and it then shows in Event Espresso -> Payment methods.

    Sorry, another thing, we realized that when we use the Event Mover tool, to move a student to a new date/ticket, on the invoice it’s still showing the previous class which could be confusing.

    Hmm, yeah I see. It is more from the changes made to the Invoice template causing the confusion there, the default output shows the cancellation for the ‘original’ registration:

    I don’t think you there is a way to remove those but I’ll check into it to confirm.


    March 16, 2023 at 7:22 am

    I wanted to check in to see if you have any other code you can provide for adding the “People Admin” actual names in the Events view to display? I’m not sure where to get that information from.

    How to get the people assigned to an individual event?

    If you have the EE_Event object within an $event variable you can then use something like:

    $people = EEH_People_View::get_people_for_event($event);
    $people will now be an array of EE_Person objects assigned to the event, you can loop over that and output the details you need.

    Is that what you are looking for?

    Thank you! We will try this and let you know!

    1. Is there any way to download this table view as a CSV/Excel file?

    No, we don’t have any options to convert front end outputs into CSV. The only CSV’s within EE are the registrations reports.

    Ok, no worries. thank you!

    2. Can we change EDT to be EST for all times?

    The times displayed by Event Espresso are based on your Timezone set in General Settings. Dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Timezone. If you change it there EE will output the timezone selected.

    Ok, thanks!

    However, is there a simpler way to do this? Or, do you already have the code built out that we can use.

    Sorry, can you explain what you mean further here?

    The QuickBooks payment method is a separate add-on you install as a plugin and it then shows in Event Espresso -> Payment methods.

    Yes, however, when you actually go to enable that, it’s asking for all of these things:
    QuickBooks Gateway
    Settings Tips for the QuickBooks Gateway. For more information you can read QuickBooks Documentation.

    QuickBooks Settings
    OAuth version
    The version of OAuth that your app integrates with.
    If your account has created apps before July 17, 2017, any apps created by that account, including future apps and apps under development now, will use OAuth 1.0a.
    If your account has not created any apps until after July 17, 2017, all apps created by that account will use OAuth 2.0.
    OAuth 1.0a:
    OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret
    These are private keys generated when you create an app. To find and copy these keys, sign in to and click My Apps . Find and open the app you want and click the Keys tab.
    OAuth 2.0:
    Client ID and Client Secret
    These are the keys generated when you create an app. To find these keys, sign in to and click My Apps . Find and open the app you want and click the Keys tab.
    Your Redirect URI:
    This URI has to be added to the “Redirect URIs” list in your QuickBooks App settings, under “Keys” section.

    Connect to QuickBooks
    The OAuth flow must be executed once for every QuickBooks Online company file to which a given App connects.
    You can find more useful information by visiting this link.

    Is there any apps that you already have built that we can use to enable this? This is kind of complicated stuff.

    Sorry, another thing, we realized that when we use the Event Mover tool, to move a student to a new date/ticket, on the invoice it’s still showing the previous class which could be confusing.

    Hmm, yeah I see. It is more from the changes made to the Invoice template causing the confusion there, the default output shows the cancellation for the ‘original’ registration:

    I don’t think you there is a way to remove those but I’ll check into it to confirm.

    Ok, thanks!


    March 16, 2023 at 7:34 am

    One more question, can you add the “Admin Comments” in the Registratons Roster View per class?


    March 16, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Another question, for the table view, how do you make the events sort A-Z? I tried the ascending order filter, but it’s not working on this page:


    March 16, 2023 at 11:30 am

    Another question..
    We are looking at the Transactions (Event Espresso > Transactions) view. This includes the Event name, but it does not include the class date.

    Is there any way to include the Event date in this view?



    • Support Staff

    March 16, 2023 at 11:59 am

    Yes, however, when you actually go to enable that, it’s asking for all of these things:

    Those are needed for the connection to Quickbooks, it’s the current method we have for connecting the 2 together.

    One more question, can you add the “Admin Comments” in the Registratons Roster View per class?

    I’m not sure what this means, can you add a screenshot of what you are looking to do?

    Another question, for the table view, how do you make the events sort A-Z? I tried the ascending order filter, but it’s not working on this page

    Do you mean sorting by Event name ASC by default?

    Can you post the full shortcode you are using?

    Is there any way to include the Event date in this view?

    All of the list tables are filtered so you can add additional fields, however, I don’t have any examples of changing the transactions list table so you’d need something custom for it.


    March 16, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    Those are needed for the connection to Quickbooks, it’s the current method we have for connecting the 2 together.

    Yes, but I don’t know how to get those items like the Consumer Key and Secret. Do you have any templates/code that you can provide us to set this up? I am reading this documentation/instructions that you have but they are not detailed enough to set this up properly:

    One more question, can you add the “Admin Comments” in the Registratons Roster View per class?

    I’m not sure what this means, can you add a screenshot of what you are looking to do?

    If we can get it in a column like this, that would be awesome:

    Another question, for the table view, how do you make the events sort A-Z? I tried the ascending order filter, but it’s not working on this page

    Do you mean sorting by Event name ASC by default?

    Can you post the full shortcode you are using?

    Yes! We are using this right now.
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE sort=ASC show_expired=false category_filter=false table_pages=40]

    Is there any way to include the Event date in this view?

    All of the list tables are filtered so you can add additional fields, however, I don’t have any examples of changing the transactions list table so you’d need something custom for it.

    Ok, thanks!


    March 16, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Would you be able to give me a function for this piece of code you provided so we can add it to the correct place?

    This was to add the “People Admin” Column to the Events view:

    This is what you provided previously:
    If you have the EE_Event object within an $event variable you can then use something like:
    $people = EEH_People_View::get_people_for_event($event);
    $people will now be an array of EE_Person objects assigned to the event, you can loop over that and output the details you need.



    • Support Staff

    March 20, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    One more question, can you add the “Admin Comments” in the Registratons Roster View per class?

    What is the ‘Admin Comments’ column pulling the information from? An admin only custom question on the registration form?

    Yes! We are using this right now.
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE sort=ASC show_expired=false category_filter=false table_pages=40]

    I’m investigating this as it needs a deeper div into what is going on in the background.

    Would you be able to give me a function for this piece of code you provided so we can add it to the correct place?

    We don’t have any examples of adding an additional ‘people’ column to list the people assigned to the event and customizations are not covered within our support licenses.

    However, if you’d like to purchase a support token I can create a snippet to do this for you:


    March 21, 2023 at 7:04 am

    What is the ‘Admin Comments’ column pulling the information from? An admin only custom question on the registration form?

    Yes, this is an admin only question. It’s not displayed on the registration form on the front end, just the backend. However, we use this for important notes, and it would be easier to see it at a glance in the Registrations Roster view (

    I’m investigating this as it needs a deeper div into what is going on in the background.

    Thank you!

    We don’t have any examples of adding an additional ‘people’ column to list the people assigned to the event and customizations are not covered within our support licenses.

    However, if you’d like to purchase a support token I can create a snippet to do this for you:

    We have purchased this. When would you be able to have this code created? Thank you so much!


    March 21, 2023 at 7:06 am

    Just to clarify, for the People column, we want to have the people that are assigned to the event to display in the events view.

    Please let me know if this is how you understand this as well!

    Also, I see that I need to redeem my support ticket here. Is there anything specific you would like me to add to make sure that this gets submitted properly?

    Thank you!


    • Support Staff

    March 21, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Just to clarify, for the People column, we want to have the people that are assigned to the event to display in the events view.

    Please let me know if this is how you understand this as well!

    Yep, on Event Espresso -> Events, an additional column listing the people assigned to the event, right?

    Also, I see that I need to redeem my support ticket here. Is there anything specific you would like me to add to make sure that this gets submitted properly?

    Nope, just for your support URL add the link to this thread:

    I’ll know what that is for 🙂

    Just to note, I’ll need wp-admin and FTP credentials for this.


    March 21, 2023 at 11:00 am

    What is the ‘Admin Comments’ column pulling the information from? An admin only custom question on the registration form?

    Yes, this is an admin only question. It’s not displayed on the registration form on the front end, just the backend. However, we use this for important notes, and it would be easier to see it at a glance in the Registrations Roster view (

    I wanted to check on this! Is this possible?

    Yep, on Event Espresso -> Events, an additional column listing the people assigned to the event, right?

    Also, I see that I need to redeem my support ticket here. Is there anything specific you would like me to add to make sure that this gets submitted properly?

    Nope, just for your support URL add the link to this thread:

    I’ll know what that is for 🙂

    Just to note, I’ll need wp-admin and FTP credentials for this.

    Perfect thanks! We are working on adding the credentials!

    We have another question on a scenario:

    Let’s say we have a student, Jane Doe, who is registered for the Photoshop Intro class on March 28-29. They have paid via PayPal so their registration is marked as paid in EE. Then, they let us know that they want to move their registration to the June 20-21 class date instead. So, we move the registration using the Attendee mover tool in EE4. This cancels their original registration, however, it still associates the transaction with that canceled registration. We want to delete the canceled registration because it still shows up in our export of registrations (which we don’t want). So, when we delete the transaction associated with that registration in order to remove the canceled registration, it deletes the transaction that is tied to the rescheduled date of June 20-21, which causes issues because we have to go back and manually update that each time.

    Here are a couple of ways I wanted to see if we could resolve it:

    1. Is there any way that we can select the event that it deletes the transaction from? Maybe we aren’t doing this correctly.
    2. Are you able to filter out any canceled registrations in all export reports?

    Or, do you have any other ideas?



    • Support Staff

    March 21, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    I wanted to check on this! Is this possible?

    Yes, I have a snippet adding a custom question to the registration list table:

    If you let me know the specific question to add, I’ll add that snippet as part of your support token.

    Perfect thanks! We are working on adding the credentials!

    Just noting I’ve not received any credentials as of yet.

    So, we move the registration using the Attendee mover tool in EE4. This cancels their original registration, however, it still associates the transaction with that canceled registration.

    Just to clarify, thats not actually what happens.

    When you ‘move’ a registration from one ticket/event to another, the original Registration is cancelled and EE creates a NEW registration with the same details. Both of those registrations are assigned to the same transaction (because a cancelled registration shows the history of what has happened).

    1. Is there any way that we can select the event that it deletes the transaction from? Maybe we aren’t doing this correctly.

    No, I’m not sure how that would work. You’re moving say Registration 111 to another ticket, so EE cancels Registration 111, creates Registration 124 (because you likely have additional registration between then and now, so the ID’s are sequential in this example) and assigns it to the original EE Transaction.

    You can’t select the event to delete, because it’s the registration you moving.

    2. Are you able to filter out any cancelled registrations in all export reports?

    Before you click the export button, select the Registration status you want to filter to at the top of the list table, for example, ‘Approved’. The CSV will reflect the filters you have set on your current view.


    March 22, 2023 at 5:59 am

    Yes, I have a snippet adding a custom question to the registration list table:

    If you let me know the specific question to add, I’ll add that snippet as part of your support token.

    Amazing! Thank you! it’s the “Admin Comments” question.

    Perfect thanks! We are working on adding the credentials!

    Just noting I’ve not received any credentials as of yet.

    Just sent these over!

    So, we move the registration using the Attendee mover tool in EE4. This cancels their original registration, however, it still associates the transaction with that canceled registration.

    Just to clarify, that’s not actually what happens.

    When you ‘move’ a registration from one ticket/event to another, the original Registration is canceled and EE creates a NEW registration with the same details. Both of those registrations are assigned to the same transaction (because a canceled registration shows the history of what has happened).


    1. Is there any way that we can select the event that it deletes the transaction from? Maybe we aren’t doing this correctly.

    No, I’m not sure how that would work. You’re moving say Registration 111 to another ticket, so EE cancels Registration 111, creates Registration 124 (because you likely have additional registration between then and now, so the ID’s are sequential in this example) and assigns it to the original EE Transaction.

    You can’t select the event to delete, because it’s the registration you moving.

    Understood! Is there anyway we can dis-associate a payment with the original and just move the payment/keep the payment/transaction with the attendee’s registration that was moved?

    2. Are you able to filter out any canceled registrations in all export reports?

    Before you click the export button, select the Registration status you want to filter to at the top of the list table, for example, ‘Approved’. The CSV will reflect the filters you have set on your current view.

    This could definitely help! However, there still may be room for error with manually having to select this each time, because basically our team is exporting a roster and they may accidentally keep the canceled student on that list, so I could see it slipping through the cracks. Any other ideas on this?


    • Support Staff

    March 22, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Understood! Is there anyway we can dis-associate a payment with the original and just move the payment/keep the payment/transaction with the attendee’s registration that was moved?

    I don’t understand this one.

    The payment will be assigned to the Transaction.

    The 2 registrations (the original cancelled one and the new ‘moved’ one) will be assigned to the Transaction.

    You want to move the payment to the other registration? But it’s assigned to the transaction?


    March 22, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    Understood! Is there anyway we can dis-associate a payment with the original and just move the payment/keep the payment/transaction with the attendee’s registration that was moved?

    I don’t understand this one.

    The payment will be assigned to the Transaction.

    The 2 registrations (the original canceled one and the new ‘moved’ one) will be assigned to the Transaction.

    You want to move the payment to the other registration? But it’s assigned to the transaction?

    We want to remove the original registration from the transaction, but keep it associated with the “rescheduled/moved” registration.


    Another question for you:

    Is there any way that we can create hidden fields on our registration form page that would populate these fields?

    Event name
    Event dates
    Ticket Name
    Ticket Price

    We are syncing Non-HubSpot forms to HubSpot through the HubSpot WordPress plugin. Is there a way to incorporate the fields above automatically into the data that is submitted when a registration form is submitted?

    Can you write a function that would include this information as hidden fields in the registration form or some other way?


    • Support Staff

    March 22, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    We want to remove the original registration from the transaction, but keep it associated with the “rescheduled/moved” registration.

    No, there’s no way to do that within EE.

    I tried to install a plugin to hold the functions for the above requests but it’s asking for a Yext account?

    Can you write a function that would include this information as hidden fields in the registration form or some other way?

    I can’t as I have no experience with above, you would need some help from a developer familiar with the HubSpot WordPress plugin.


    March 23, 2023 at 8:39 am

    Thank you! I’ve deactivated the Yext plugins so please let me know if it still gives you trouble.

    Also, I wanted to follow up on this issue:
    Another question, for the table view, how do you make the events sort A-Z? I tried the ascending order filter, but it’s not working on this page
    Do you mean sorting by Event name ASC by default?
    Can you post the full shortcode you are using?
    Yes! We are using this right now.
[ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE sort=ASC show_expired=false category_filter=false table_pages=40]

    Did you find out any more information on why this isn’t sorting?

    Thanks so much!


    March 23, 2023 at 11:31 am

    Hi there! One more question for you:

    Is there any way to change the “Register” text on this page: to “Learn more”

    Or, does that change it across EE? What would be needed to do this?



    March 23, 2023 at 11:54 am

    Another question for you:

    We are trying to hide a category from this list:

    It’s our Private Training Category slug.

    We tried using this code:

    But no luck with changing the ID in there to the ID of the category.

    Is there other code we should be using for this?



    March 23, 2023 at 11:56 am

    This is the code we used:
    //* EE exclude private classes from frontend
    function ee_remove_category_event_list( $SQL, WP_Query $wp_query ) {
    global $wpdb;
    if (
    isset( $wp_query->query_vars[‘post_type’] ) &&
    ( $wp_query->query_vars[‘post_type’] == ‘espresso_events’ ||
    ( is_array( $wp_query->query_vars[‘post_type’] ) &&
    in_array( ‘espresso_events’, $wp_query->query_vars[‘post_type’] ) ) ) &&
    ! $wp_query->is_singular ) {
    $SQL .= ” AND ID NOT IN (SELECT object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id=14704 )”;
    return $SQL;

    add_action(‘loop_start’, ‘ee_test_home_page_filter’);
    function ee_test_home_page_filter() {
    if(is_front_page()) {
    add_filter( ‘posts_where’, ‘ee_remove_category_event_list’, 14704 );


    March 27, 2023 at 6:10 am

    Hi! I wanted to check in on my questions above.

    Also, I have a couple of other questions:

    1. Would it be possible to add these two headers (in red in this screenshot) on our registration page? (Example page: “course details” and “training dates” using a function?

    2. We are trying to connect EE4 with Quickbooks Payments. We followed all of the steps in your documentation and are trying this on our staging site. We keep receiving this error: “error: Unable to tokenize the card”
    Is there something else we need to do to resolve this?



    • Support Staff

    March 27, 2023 at 7:56 am

    Apologies for the delay, I asked one of our developers to review the code and with the current projects we are working on it took a little longer than normal.

    Another question, for the table view, how do you make the events sort A-Z? I tried the ascending order filter, but it’s not working on this page
    Do you mean sorting by Event name ASC by default?
    Can you post the full shortcode you are using?
    Yes! We are using this right now.
[ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE sort=ASC show_expired=false category_filter=false table_pages=40]

    Did you find out any more information on why this isn’t sorting?

    I’ve opened a ticket to investigate this further, it looks like the query params aren’t being passed. No news yet but I haven’t forgotten about it.

    Thank you! I’ve deactivated the Yext plugins so please let me know if it still gives you trouble.

    Thank you, but I can now no longer see the Plugins menu on the dashboard, do you still see the plugins menu?

    Is there any way to change the “Register” text on this page: to “Learn more”

    Or, does that change it across EE? What would be needed to do this?

    For the table view template you can add reg_button_text='Learn more' to the shortcode to set the ‘Register’ text to something else, in this case ‘Learn more’.

    But no luck with changing the ID in there to the ID of the category.

    Is there other code we should be using for this?

    That code only hooks into the front page of the site.

    Try changing that check to if( is_page('classschedule') ) {

    1. Would it be possible to add these two headers (in red in this screenshot) on our registration page? (Example page: “course details” and “training dates” using a function?

    Yes, for the datetimes you can use something like what Josh posted here:

    For the Course details you can use something similar but hook into AHEE_event_details_before_the_content.

    2. We are trying to connect EE4 with Quickbooks Payments. We followed all of the steps in your documentation and are trying this on our staging site. We keep receiving this error: “error: Unable to tokenize the card”
    Is there something else we need to do to resolve this?

    Hmm I’ve not seen that error, I’ll check into this.


    March 27, 2023 at 8:22 am

    I’ve opened a ticket to investigate this further, it looks like the query params aren’t being passed. No news yet but I haven’t forgotten about it.
    Thank you!

    Thank you, but I can now no longer see the Plugins menu on the dashboard, do you still see the plugins menu?

    Try again now! I think the permissions weren’t set-up properly.

    Is there any way to change the “Register” text on this page: to “Learn more”
    Or, does that change it across EE? What would be needed to do this?
    For the table view template you can add reg_button_text=’Learn more’ to the shortcode to set the ‘Register’ text to something else, in this case ‘Learn more’.
    Amazing! Thank you so much!!

    But no luck with changing the ID in there to the ID of the category.
    Is there other code we should be using for this?
    That code only hooks into the front page of the site.
    Try changing that check to if( is_page(‘classschedule’) ) {

    We will try this and let you know!

    1. Would it be possible to add these two headers (in red in this screenshot) on our registration page? (Example page: “course details” and “training dates” using a function?

    Yes, for the datetimes you can use something like what Josh posted here:
    For the Course details you can use something similar but hook into AHEE_event_details_before_the_content.

    Okay, we will try this and let you know! Thanks!

    2. We are trying to connect EE4 with Quickbooks Payments. We followed all of the steps in your documentation and are trying this on our staging site. We keep receiving this error: “error: Unable to tokenize the card”
    Is there something else we need to do to resolve this?
    Hmm I’ve not seen that error, I’ll check into this.

    Thanks so much!


    • Support Staff

    March 27, 2023 at 3:03 pm

    I’ve added a couple of functions to your site.

    One adds the ‘Admin Comments’ column to the registration list table and another swaps out the ‘People Count’ on the event event list table for a unordered list of people assigned to the event. Each person in the list links back to editing that specific person (the link can be removed if preferred).

    Can you check and see if that was what you were looking for?


    March 28, 2023 at 9:22 am

    AMAZING!!! Thank you so much! These are both perfect.


    March 28, 2023 at 9:24 am

    Regarding the question about adding “Course Details” and “Training Dates” – Our web developer tried what you provided:

    Yes, for the datetimes you can use something like what Josh posted here:

    For the Course details you can use something similar but hook into AHEE_event_details_before_the_content.

    And he said it doesn’t work. Is there any other guidance you can provide us on this? Thanks!


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 10:39 am

    Where is the code he used on the site? I’ll take a look


    March 28, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    Hi Tony, He said it’s in the functions.php – does that answer your question?


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    It does and I checked but none of the hooks I gave you above are being used in functions.php?


    March 28, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    My apologies! It’s on the staging site:

    Can you see if you see it on there?


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 1:47 pm

    Not there either as far as I can tell.

    To clarify, he’s using the theme’s functions.php file?

    Whats the full file path?


    March 28, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Can you try on the live site? He just said he moved it over:

    I can confirm with him where, but let me know if you see it!


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 1:59 pm

    Ok, I see the code for the training dates now, that’s in the theme’s functions.php file and is working:


    March 28, 2023 at 2:01 pm

    Oh sweet! Thanks!! the “Course Details” isn’t working though, do you see what we need to adjust on that piece of code?


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    There is no code in functions.php to add a title using the filter AHEE_event_details_before_the_content


    March 28, 2023 at 2:05 pm

    Okay! So this would be something like

    add_action(‘AHEE_event_details_before_the_content’, ‘my_event_heading’);
    function my_event_heading() {
    echo ‘<h3>Course Details</h3>’;


    • Support Staff

    March 28, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    Yep, something like that should work fine 🙂


    March 29, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Thanks so much! 🙂 We are working on getting that added, so I will let you know if we have any luck.

    I also have a few other questions:
    1. Is there any way to NOT require the Student Information group? We have questions in here that we don’t want to be reassigned to all students. I know you required the first name, last name, and email, but we also have other questions in this question group that we need to keep for the few hundred events it is already selected on.

    2. Is there an ability to add additional registration statuses? Like we want to add “Registration Received” so we can select that status.

    3. Is there a way to use unique email templates on an event basis? Like for private events, we don’t want the standard automatic emails to be sent out for these, so we would like to be able to create custom ones for those and select these on the events as needed.



    March 29, 2023 at 7:34 am

    I wanted to check in on the Quickbooks payments error. Do you have any update on this? We have a deadline of getting this up by Friday so wanted to see if that is possible.

    Thank you so much!


    • Support Staff

    March 29, 2023 at 8:00 am

    1. Is there any way to NOT require the Student Information group? We have questions in here that we don’t want to be reassigned to all students. I know you required the first name, last name, and email, but we also have other questions in this question group that we need to keep for the few hundred events it is already selected on.

    Your ‘Student Information’ group is the system default ‘Personal Information’ group and that has a bunch of questions set within the group.

    The ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and ‘Email address’ questions of the registrant need to be collected within that group. You have a bunch of custom questions included within it which means that for all registrations those would be collected on all events.

    If you want the ability to specific some of those questions on specific events and not on others, you’ll need to break out the questions into at least one additional group. So you ALWAYS collect the First name, Last Name and Email (you can also add question you will always want to collect for all events into that group), then for the additional question you set them in another custom group and set them on the events.

    2. Is there an ability to add additional registration statuses? Like we want to add “Registration Received” so we can select that status.

    Not currently.

    3. Is there a way to use unique email templates on an event basis? Like for private events, we don’t want the standard automatic emails to be sent out for these, so we would like to be able to create custom ones for those and select these on the events as needed.

    Yes, you can create ‘Custom Message Templates’ and select those on specific events.

    Edit an event you want a custom template to be used on.

    Find the ‘notifications’ section.

    In the email section you’ll see the ‘Registration Approved’ message listed, click the ‘Create new custom’ button (If you don’t have one it means your global template has been set to override all custom templates, edit the global template and make sure ‘Override all custom’ is unchecked, see HERE, refresh the event editor and the button should show).

    A modal should show asking you for a name and description of the template.

    Set those and create the template.

    Now when you click the edit button it will take you to your custom template. There you can edit the template and because it is set on the event it will be used. If you make the content of that template generic enough for a ‘group’ of events you can then simply select that template in the dropdown rather than create a custom template for every single event.

    Make sense?

    Note, messages have ‘contexts’ which are basically just separate templates within a single message, make sure you are editing the correct context, see here:

    I wanted to check in on the Quickbooks payments error. Do you have any update on this? We have a deadline of getting this up by Friday so wanted to see if that is possible.

    I’m currently waiting on some feedback regarding the integration, but I can try connecting my test account to confirm if that works.

    Are you testing Quickbooks on staging or live?


    March 29, 2023 at 8:33 am

    1. Is there any way to NOT require the Student Information group? We have questions in here that we don’t want to be reassigned to all students. I know you required the first name, last name, and email, but we also have other questions in this question group that we need to keep for the few hundred events it is already selected on.

    Your ‘Student Information’ group is the system default ‘Personal Information’ group and that has a bunch of questions set within the group.

    The ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and ‘Email address’ questions of the registrant need to be collected within that group. You have a bunch of custom questions included within it which means that for all registrations those would be collected on all events.

    If you want the ability to specific some of those questions on specific events and not on others, you’ll need to break out the questions into at least one additional group. So you ALWAYS collect the First name, Last Name and Email (you can also add question you will always want to collect for all events into that group), then for the additional question you set them in another custom group and set them on the events.

    2. Is there an ability to add additional registration statuses? Like we want to add “Registration Received” so we can select that status.

    Not currently.

    3. Is there a way to use unique email templates on an event basis? Like for private events, we don’t want the standard automatic emails to be sent out for these, so we would like to be able to create custom ones for those and select these on the events as needed.

    Yes, you can create ‘Custom Message Templates’ and select those on specific events.

    Edit an event you want a custom template to be used on.

    Find the ‘notifications’ section.

    In the email section you’ll see the ‘Registration Approved’ message listed, click the ‘Create new custom’ button (If you don’t have one it means your global template has been set to override all custom templates, edit the global template and make sure ‘Override all custom’ is unchecked, see HERE, refresh the event editor and the button should show).

    A modal should show asking you for a name and description of the template.

    Set those and create the template.

    Now when you click the edit button it will take you to your custom template. There you can edit the template and because it is set on the event it will be used. If you make the content of that template generic enough for a ‘group’ of events you can then simply select that template in the dropdown rather than create a custom template for every single event.

    Make sense?

    Note, messages have ‘contexts’ which are basically just separate templates within a single message, make sure you are editing the correct context, see here:

    Thanks for all of this info! We will work on this!

    I wanted to check in on the Quickbooks payments error. Do you have any update on this? We have a deadline of getting this up by Friday so wanted to see if that is possible.

    I’m currently waiting on some feedback regarding the integration, but I can try connecting my test account to confirm if that works.

    Are you testing Quickbooks on staging or live?

    That would be amazing. We are testing on the staging site!


    March 29, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Hi Again! Our web developer added the code for the “Course Details” that you mentioned, and it’s still not showing up on our course pages:

    The “Training Dates” is working great.

    Can you please check on our code for this? And if we need to tweak anything to get this work? Thanks!


    March 29, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    We just realized it’s actually there but not in the correct location. See image here:

    It should be below the Training Dates section. What is the code to correct this placement? Thanks!


    March 29, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    Sorry my image didn’t come across properly:


    March 30, 2023 at 6:58 am

    Is there any way to MASS select a question group for ALL Events? Based on what you said above, it sounds like we would need to go into each event individually and select the additional question groups we want to add for each event manually. Is that the case, or can this be done in bulk?



    • Support Staff

    March 30, 2023 at 2:10 pm

    Currently, we don’t have a way to mass edit events to set questions groups, so yes, they would need to be edited individually.

    I’ve been investigating the QuickBooks issue and looking over your log entries there’s nothing that shows why your getting the error you are getting.

    When connected to QuickBooks, did if show a message highlighting the account was setup with the payments API, similar to this:


    March 30, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    QBO confirmed that the connection was active. I don’t remember exactly what is looked like as it was last week.

    – Spencer


    • Support Staff

    March 30, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    QBO confirmed that the connection was active.

    Great, but it’s not the connection itself I’m asking about. I can see in the payment method the connection is active but I’m wondering if your account has the payments API enabled within it and if not that’s why you’re getting the error.

    Can I disconnect your account and try connecting mine to see what it shows with that?


    March 30, 2023 at 2:22 pm

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    • Support Staff

    March 30, 2023 at 2:35 pm

    I know 🙂 I’ve been on the site looking into this.

    That connection just means that QuickBooks authorized the connection between your site and your account, but your account may not have all of the API’s enabled on it to function, it’s still connected but doesn’t know what to do with a request given to it if the API is not enabled.


    March 30, 2023 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Tony,

    I connected it to the payments and accounting APIs. I think that’s what you are asking.

    – Spencer


    • Support Staff

    March 30, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    Hi Spencer,

    I’ve just connected my account and didn’t have any issues making a payment in debug mode.

    Can you reconnected your account again, I’d like to compare the requests and log entries to see if there any differences.


    March 30, 2023 at 4:10 pm

    The QBO form that popped up is not what I was getting before. Did you change any settings?


    • Support Staff

    March 31, 2023 at 6:12 am

    Nope, I’ve not changed anything other than disconnecting your account and connecting mine.

    Literally just clicked disconnect, waited 10 seconds, clicked connect and selected my account.

    Registered onto an event.

    Disconnected my account.


    March 31, 2023 at 6:24 am

    Our web developer added the code for the “Course Details” that you mentioned, and it’s still not showing up on our course pages:
    The “Training Dates” is working great.
    Can you please check on our code for this? And if we need to tweak anything to get this work? Thanks!

    What is the code to correct this placement? Thanks!


    • Support Staff

    March 31, 2023 at 7:04 am

    Ah, my apologies.

    For that you’ll need a snippet like this to add the title directly to the event details content.

    Swap the previous snippet for this:


    March 31, 2023 at 8:42 am

    Thank you!

    Regarding QB issues, we are still getting the same error. Was there anything specific that you did in your Quickbooks account to enable this to work? I confirmed the APIs are allowed but wondering if there is something we missed.

    Or, was there something you did specific when setting up the API in the Developer area?

    Any guidance would be so appreciated, we are at a loss here.



    • Support Staff

    March 31, 2023 at 11:14 am

    When I test a Debug mode payment with your account active, it works as expected.

    How are you testing the above?

    Note, I haven’t set anything up within my Quickbooks account other than the Payments API.


    March 31, 2023 at 11:15 am

    We are testing using the Test credit card that debug mode provides us something like 411111111111

    Is that the correct card info to test with?


    • Support Staff

    March 31, 2023 at 11:55 am

    Yeah thats exactly what I’ve just tested with.

    Have you tried using a transaction amount more then $1? Some have a minimum requirement higher than $1. I used the total amount for the ticket as it’s a debug transaction no charge is actually made.


    March 31, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    Hi Tony,

    I tried testing the QBO connection with an existing class (from our company) in sandbox mode, and it is not working. Every time I try, it says, “cannot tokenize the card.” I did not want to try it in live mode, as the dev mode is not working. This is hugely frustrating as we have been unable to get the QBO connection to work. What am I missing here? Can you please give me the exact steps that are working for you?

    – Spencer


    • Support Staff

    April 3, 2023 at 9:02 am

    I don’t think I’m doing anything different to what you would be.

    I’m selecting a ticket, inputting registrant details, selecting Quickbooks on the payment options step and providing the relevant details.

    Using test card details with a valid Exp date and 123 for CVV number.

    Here is a quick video:

    (I tested the above whilst logged out of the site itself to confirm it wasn’t working only when logged in)


    April 4, 2023 at 4:19 pm

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    • Support Staff

    April 4, 2023 at 4:24 pm

    We got the QBO set up to work with a dev account but not with a production account, and it will not process a card. Do you have any ideas?

    What needed to be done for the dev account to work?

    When you say it wont process cards, what does it say? Any errors?

    Again, we do not want to hide the column, as that will not work correctly, but we want to remove every instance of it saying “QTY” at the top of the column.

    You can use a snippet like this:

    add_filter( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__table_header_qty', '__return_empty_string' );


    April 5, 2023 at 11:57 am

    Hi Tony,

    The QTY fix worked like a charm! Thank you.

    We were getting a few different errors with the QBO connection. Firstly, it would only work in dev mode when I had the owner create an app and implement it – it would not work under my dev account. So, that was going well. But when we switched to production mode, it was not working. The error was that it “could not capture card.”

    I realize the description is vague, but do you have any suggestions?


    April 5, 2023 at 1:00 pm

    Hi Tony,

    I’m sorry for the double post! I wanted to include the QBO error image:

    This is what we get every time we try a live card:


    April 11, 2023 at 3:06 pm

    This reply has been marked as private.


    April 17, 2023 at 7:12 pm

    Hi Tony,

    We have not heard from you since April 4th, almost two weeks ago. We need help customizing the QBO output.

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