Public Roadmap

Please vote for the features you’d like to have officially included in Event Espresso!

This board was created so that we could share the roadmap for where we want to take Event Espresso. We have lots of ideas and we want our community to help us prioritize what we work on next.

(Use your mouse wheel to scroll left and right or up and down)

Here are some of the criteria we use when building new features, making enhancements or fixing bugs in our event registration plugin for WordPress. Our decision is multifactorial and are often impacted by multiple criteria at the same time making it not an easy decision on what to work on. This list is also not necessarily in order of preference.

  • Severity – Is the issue prohibiting event organizers from accepting registrations and payments via existing features?
  • Demand – Is there a lot of requests for this feature?
  • Workarounds – Is there a way to get the final result via a workaround?
  • Parity – Do we need to add this feature to Event Espresso 4 because we offer it as part of EE3?
  • Capabilities – Do we have the right type of help to work on the issue?
  • Sponsors – Is someone willing to make the issue a priority by contributing financially?

We always welcome feedback and votes to our roadmap. We especially appreciate when customers can provide specific details about an item on the roadmap that can add clarity to the use case and possible solution to a feature.

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Event Espresso