
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Cannot Login to EE HD App on Android or iPhone

Cannot Login to EE HD App on Android or iPhone

Posted: October 5, 2015 at 12:23 am

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Hadley Kia

October 5, 2015 at 12:23 am

Hi There,

I recently switched from EE3 to EE4 and everything on the site-end is working fine — people have their event tickets and have printed them out. However, I tried to login on the app to start scanning tickets tonight and it wouldn’t let me — I tried all sorts of variations on my site’s URL ( to no avail. Before, when I was on EE3, it worked just fine logging in with an admin account (using as the Web URL) but now I keep getting the following error: “Unable to login. Check Web Connection or EndPoint URL.”

Could you please assist me in getting this to work quickly?




  • Support Staff

October 5, 2015 at 5:00 am

Hi Hadley,

The EE3 Ticket Scanning apps are not compatible with EE4.

Currently we have the EE4 Ticket Scanning Add-on which allows you to use a barcode/qr code scanner via the WP Admin (or via mobile if using a bluetooth scanner)

However it is possible to scan tickets using a mobile device using a couple of apps. For Android you can use ‘Barcode Keyboard’:

For iOS you can us ‘Scan to web’:

Both allow you to use the devices camera to scan the ticket, then passes the value through to the barcode scanner add-on in the same way a physical scanner would. More information (and a video showing Barcode Keyboard in action) can be found here:

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