
Home Forums Wait List Manager Add-on Waiting List (3)

Waiting List (3)

Posted: June 4, 2020 at 5:06 pm

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June 4, 2020 at 5:06 pm

The Wait List plug in is installed, and each event has a wait list of 10, with “Auto Promote” enabled.
1. Fred would like to register for the event on June 6, but finds it is sold out
2. Fred registers for the event on July 15 instead
3. Fred goes back to the June 6 event and gets on the Waiting List
4. There is a cancellation for June 6
Will Fred’s July 15 registration be automatically cancelled ? Or is this a manual step the administrator has to do? I’m unsure what the “Auto Promote” means…does it mean the person is promoted from “waiting” status and/or it means they get “promoted” from a later event to the current event?


  • Support Staff

June 5, 2020 at 8:02 am

Hi there,

No, Fred’s additional registration will not be automatically cancelled.

EE treats each registration separately as its not uncommon for people to register onto multiple events. If we start automatically cancelling registrations based on other registrations you could end up with users registering on multiple events, having other regs cancelled when they didn’t expect it to be and showing up for events they are expecting to attend.

The auto-promotion feature takes a ‘waitlist’ registration and ‘promotes’ it from a status of waitlist to a status of pending payment and sends them an email to allow them to pay, it does not cancel other registrations.

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