
Home Forums Wait List Manager Add-on Wait List Manager – Issue setting and saving the number of Wait List Spaces

Wait List Manager – Issue setting and saving the number of Wait List Spaces

Posted: February 22, 2023 at 1:24 pm

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Spencer Diamond

February 22, 2023 at 1:24 pm

Good day,

we have noticed a new issue with the Event Espresso Waitlist Manager add-on recently. We are not longer able to enter and set the number of Wait List Spaces and save the changes. If we try to add 2 waitlist spaces for example, after clicking the post Update button the number of waitlist spaces reverts the number we entered back to 0.

Please advise.

Also we are using this version of the Event Espresso – Wait Lists add-on: Version 1.0.3.p

Thank you,



  • Support Staff

February 22, 2023 at 1:57 pm

Hi there,

Do you have many tickets/datetimes within the event?

I suspect your hitting your servers max_input_vars value, which is a setting where the server will process so many ‘inputs’ on the page before ignoring the rest. The waitlist inputs are ‘later’ in the page so could be at the point where they are being ignored.

If you open up Dev Tools on the editor and look in the elements section and do CTRL+F, then set ‘input’ as your search it will give a rough count of the inputs on the page, here’s an example:

How many do you have?

Then go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> System information.

Search for ‘max input vars’ using your browser search, how many?

Another example:

Spencer Diamond

February 22, 2023 at 3:18 pm


Thank you for the quick reply.

No we actually only have one tickets/datetimes with this event and we are also noticing the same issue with all other events. The max_input_vars value is set at 1000 on our server. While we have noticed the max_input_vars causing issues for events with lots of tickets/datetimes before, this issue appears to be different.

When I inspect the code from the WordPress Admin Event page and search for input, it shows approx. 400 results. And I am not seeing any errors for the Event page.

The Wait List Spaces were working well before. So this new issue we just noticed today. Do you know anything else could cause this type of issue ?

thank you


  • Support Staff

February 23, 2023 at 3:30 am

Ok, so it’s not max_input_vars then.

The Wait List Spaces were working well before. So this new issue we just noticed today. Do you know anything else could cause this type of issue ?

What has changed between when it work and now? As in hav you added any new plugins, updates etc?

Are you running the latest version of EE4? Currently 4.10.44.p?

Spencer Diamond

February 23, 2023 at 1:05 pm

Good day Tony,

We updated the EE Core plugin to v4.10.44.p and the reported wait list saving issue appears to be resolved. Thank you for you help.




  • Support Staff

February 23, 2023 at 2:17 pm

Strange! I’ve not heard of that issue.

I’m glad the latest update worked for you, but if it comes up again please do let me know.

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