
Home Forums Wait List Manager Add-on Wait List available even if event is not sold out?

Wait List available even if event is not sold out?

Posted: June 5, 2020 at 9:46 am

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June 5, 2020 at 9:46 am

I have an Event with multiple types of tickets. If a type of ticket is sold out, while other types are still available, I would like people to be able to put themselves on the Wait List for the sold-out tickets (even though the event as a whole is not yet sold out).

Our Event is a spay neuter event for dogs. We have different tickets for males and females, as well as different weight ranges in these 2 categories. The Female tickets are sold out fast. I want people to be able to sign up for a Wait List for the female tickets, even though the male tickets are not yet sold out.


  • Support Staff

June 5, 2020 at 1:25 pm

Hi there,

Currently, the waitlist add-on is event-based and displays the waitlist feature if the event status is sold out and waitlist spaces are available. There is no option to switch this to be ‘ticket’ based to display waitlist options for specific tickets/datetimes at this time.


June 5, 2020 at 3:15 pm

This makes the Wait List of very limited use to us. Is there any chance that an update will be made available soon that allows the Wait List to be ticket-based? It doesn’t even have to be based on a specific ticket. I would just like the Wait List to be available if ANY ticket is “sold out”. If someone tries to go on the Wait List for a ticket type that is not yet sold out, an error message could be displayed OR they will simply be put on the Wait List, and then immediately/automatically get scheduled (as there are openings)


  • Support Staff

June 8, 2020 at 4:36 am

Is there any chance that an update will be made available soon that allows the Wait List to be ticket-based?

We currently don’t have plans to change how the waitlist add-on functions.

It doesn’t even have to be based on a specific ticket. I would just like the Wait List to be available if ANY ticket is “sold out”.

That still means the waitlist add-on functions based on tickets rather than the event as a whole, meaning the waitlist add-on logic switch to ‘ticket based’.

If someone tries to go on the Wait List for a ticket type that is not yet sold out, an error message could be displayed OR they will simply be put on the Wait List, and then immediately/automatically get scheduled (as there are openings)

I’ll pass this feedback on to the developers but in my opinion, displaying a waitlist option when waitlist registrations aren’t actually available is simple going to cause more confusion. Yes, I understand that you suggested it automatically switch them to a ‘full’ registration but past experience shows this wont work as well as it sounds (I do like the idea btw).

I can say that because I created a snippet to do something like this using a Ninja Form form before the waitlist add-on was released, you can find that snippet here:

Create a form, set the ID of that form HERE the form will display below the ticket selector if any of the tickets are sold out.

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