
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Timezone Clash with WP Meetup Plugin

Timezone Clash with WP Meetup Plugin

Posted: October 11, 2014 at 4:20 pm

Matt Adams

October 11, 2014 at 4:20 pm

I’m using the WP Meetup plugin to import my Meetup events into the WP Meetup calendar on my site. I’m getting and error in the times that are showing up on their calendar that is being caused by the EE3 plugin. It’s throwing the time zone off by 4 hours or so on the Meetup events when they are displayed.

For the time being, I have set the city to Reykjavik, Iceland and that makes the times appear correctly on the WP Meetup calendar.

I’m not familiar with EE3 enough yet to know, but is this going to cause any problems with events of tickets or anything?

Also, is there anything you can do to resolve the conflict?




October 13, 2014 at 8:34 am


I ran some tests with this plugin (I’m GMT+2) and the events I added from the UK (GMT) and New York (-5 GMT approx) all had the correct times in the calendar, so I don’t think EE is affecting the times.

What do you have your time set to in the WordPress settings? (UTC or Location and which ones, e.g. UTC0 or London).

Matt Adams

October 13, 2014 at 7:34 pm

I can assure you that it certainly appears the conflict is happening between WP Meetup and Event Espresso. I even checked the theme, it’s not that either.

I made this video to show you what I’m getting.


October 14, 2014 at 2:42 am

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the video, that clarified that I was doing_it_wrong().

Basically, it seems to only occur when using the locale for a time zone (e.g. New York), rather than the UTC (which my test site was set to).

If you use the UTC instead this does not occur.

I think I have narrowed down the cause within the code, but I’ll need to refer this onto a developer for further insight.

In the short term, you could swap the time over to UTC format.

Matt Adams

October 14, 2014 at 4:45 am

EE3 does not work with UTC time.

It seems to get stuck 3 hours behind real time, no matter what UTC timezone I set it to.

The best I can seem to do is set it 3 hours behind by choosing Reykjavik as my city. :/



October 14, 2014 at 4:57 am

Yeah, I thought that might be the case. Well, I have submitted a ticket to look into this in more depth and I’ll respond once a developer has looked at it (sorry I can’t provide a timescale regarding that).


October 14, 2014 at 6:56 am

Hi Matt,

I got feedback earlier than I thought. Unfortunately with the way EE3 was coded, we will not be able to resolve this issue in EE3. However, in EE4 this is no longer a problem, as we took additional steps to make sure this issue did not occur.

Matt Adams

October 14, 2014 at 10:01 am

Ok, can’t be resolved in EE3.

Two more questions…

1. My original question still remains:

For the time being, I have set the city to Reykjavik, Iceland and that makes the times appear correctly on the WP Meetup calendar.

I’m not familiar with EE3 enough yet to know, but is this going to cause any problems with events of tickets or anything?

2. What specifically does 3 do that 4 can’t yet? Any reason NOT to move to that yet?

Thanks for all of your help Dean.



  • Support Staff

October 14, 2014 at 11:17 am

Hi Matt,

You might find that you’ll need to adjust ticket sale start/end times and that transaction data for when the ticket was sold will be a few hours off.

With #2 it’s currently gateways, promo codes, and add-ons where EE3 has what EE4 lacks. You can compare the two platforms feature set here:

The statuses of EE4 add-ons and features are outlined here:

Matt Adams

October 14, 2014 at 7:21 pm

Looks like I’m sticking with EE3 for a while then.

Thanks Dean and Josh.


October 15, 2014 at 2:26 am

No problem Matt.

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