
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Single events page – a couple of questions

Single events page – a couple of questions

Posted: October 22, 2015 at 4:33 am


October 22, 2015 at 4:33 am

Hi there,
Just a couple of questions. I’m in the process of setting up a number of single events pages but want to get my template right first. Here’s an example of the one of the page I’ve set up:

My questions are:
1) In the price table there’s an * next to quantity, what does the * relate to?
2) How do I get the ‘full’ banner to appear across or something like the halloween scull banner on the grid view template as on this site:
3) How do I remove all the location information (ie everything from – and including – ‘location’ header down on all single event pages? eg
4) How do I remove some of the social sharing options on single events pages?
5) How do I remove the ical function from the single event pages but keep it in the registration form?
6) How do I remove the hyperlink from the venue at the very top of the page on all single event pages?
7) How to I remove the calendar and the clock icon from the very top of the page?

Apologies for all the questions and thanks so much for all your help.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 22, 2015 at 7:22 am

Hi Kate,

We can share feedback on accomplishing some of those. Please keep in mind that some of the content that appears on the page for laneway learning is not from Event Espresso and may have been added via another plugin or custom coding. If you are looking for a very close match in terms of content and layout, then the best option would be to get in touch with an Event Espresso professional:

1) An asterisk means that must be selected. For example, if you try to register without selecting a quantity then you’ll see a warning.

2) Inspecting those images shows that the images were edited to include the halloween overlay before they were uploaded to the event.

3a) There are a couple ways to get rid of the information. The first is to setup a child theme that will hold your customized templates:

3b) Now we need to add the templates to the child theme. The first template will be for the single-espresso_events.php file which handles the layout for the single event page. Take a look at step 5 here:

3c) The next step it to add one more file to the child theme and then edit one of the lines which will remove the venue (location) information.

Browse to this location using an SFTP / FTP client such as FileZilla or Cyberduck:


Then download the content-espresso_events.php which is used by the single-espresso_events.php file. Now open the content-espresso_events.php for editing. At about line 32, you’ll see a line of code for the venues:

Remove that, then save changes. Afterwards, upload the content-espresso_events.php to your child theme.

Here is a recap of the steps above:

Create a child theme so your customizations are preserved. It will be in this location:


Now create a single-espresso_events.php and upload to this location:


Then create a content-espresso_events.php, make changes, and upload to the child theme folder (same location as above):


The steps described above are preferred if you will be making a variety of edits across several template files. The other option is to use a line of CSS to hide the venue information on the single event pages:

.espresso_event_type-single-event .espresso-venue-dv {display:none;}

The sample CSS above can be added to your child themes stylesheet or via a plugin like Reaktiv CSS Builder or My Custom CSS.

4) Is the social share icons being added through a plugin? If so, what plugin is in use?

5) The code snippet in the following link can be used to remove the ical button:

It can be added through a site specific plugin or your child theme’s functions.php file.

6) This won’t apply if you remove the location (venue information) in step 3

7) Here is some CSS that can be used to hide those icons on the single event pages:

.espresso_event_type-single-event span.dashicons.dashicons-calendar, .espresso_event_type-single-event span.dashicons.dashicons-clock {display:none;}

Let us know if you have any questions on the changes above.


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