You can extend your Event Espresso 4 powered event registration system with any of the code snippets below. Unless otherwise indicated, we recommend placing code snippets within a plugin.
You can find many more snippets in our library hosted on Github.
Add events to any blog archive listing and rss feed
Below is the code to add that will inject the “espresso_events” custom post type into the WordPress WP_Query post_types array. This allows Event Espresso Events to appear in any blog archive listing and rss feed.
Add a category class name to the post class
Below is the code to add that will add a class name to the Event Espresso event post’s post class so events that belong to a specific category can be uniquely styled with CSS.
Deactivate the iCal functionality that was added in Event Espresso 4.3
Below is the code to add that will remove the iCal link that was added in Event Espresso 4.3
Display the base price of the ticket in the ticket selector
Below is the code to add that will change the display of the ticket selector so it displays a base price (instead of the modified price). Requires Event Espresso 4.4 or greater.
Display remaining ticket inventory total for each datetime
Below is the code to add that will add a “Total tickets remaining: x” message below each event’s datetime.
Print an attendee list after the content on the event details page
Below is the code to add that will print an attendee list after the content on the event details page. Displays the gravatar, first name, and last name of each registered attendee for an event.
Exclude events from the event list that have no tickets on sale
Below is the code to add that will remove events from the event list that do not have tickets on sale.
Get the code on
Print a list of upcoming events for a venue on the venue details page
Below is the code to add that will print a list of upcoming events for a venue after the content on the venue details page. Includes the permalink and event name.
Remove “powered by Event Espresso” admin footer text in Event Espresso 4
Below is the code to add that will remove the “powered by Event Espresso” admin footer text in Event Espresso 4.
Exclude password protected events in EE4
This script will exclude password protected events and posts from the WordPress loop. Adapted from Stackoverflow:
Yoast’s WordPress SEO and EE4 Metabox fix
This may now be resolved as WordPress SEO has changed its hook, but if you have WordPress SEO installed and EE4 metaboxes disappear from the Event editor page, try using the code published in our snippets library: