
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Return to Events List button goes to a page with only one event

Return to Events List button goes to a page with only one event

Posted: February 27, 2020 at 4:22 pm

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February 27, 2020 at 4:22 pm

The page also says Blog Archive at the top…. so frustrating! I’m sure this has been asked and answered, but honestly, I don’t understand how to fix this. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled thinking I changed something I shouldn’t have, retyped all of my events, and get the same result. I’ve copied and pasted the code shown in the help file, changed the address, deleted the page, recreated the page, nothing seems to work for me today. I don’t care what page the entire list is on, I just want it to show up when you click on return to events page.


  • Support Staff

February 27, 2020 at 4:43 pm


You can fix this by changing your site’s Reading settings. You go to your WordPress Dashboard, click on Settings > Readings then change the setting:
“Blog pages show at most”. You can change that to more than 1 and it will show more event posts.

There’s also a way to change or remove the “Blog Archive” title at the top of the page. That’s added by your WordPress theme, but I think the theme has a filter hook that allows for changing that. May I ask would you like to change or remove the title? If you want to change the title, what would you like to say instead?

February 27, 2020 at 8:04 pm

hmmmmm my readings settings only say
your homepage displays a static page select below (where I have selected my homepage) and under that it says
search engine visibility.

I’ve also noticed that Blog Archive page shows up when you click on the return to events list button. If I view the events page from the pages menu, it shows the entire list.

February 27, 2020 at 8:31 pm

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  • Support Staff

February 28, 2020 at 9:01 am

I’ve also noticed that Blog Archive page shows up when you click on the return to events list button. If I view the events page from the pages menu, it shows the entire list.

I assume that’s a page using [ESPRESSO_EVENTS]?

The EE events archive is the default output for Event Espresso, the output there is controlled mainly by your site’s theme.

You can change the return to event list link to use that page using a snippet link this:

Set Line 2 to the URL you want to use and add that to a custom function plugin, we have some documentation on creating one here:

And why does the first event button say View Event Cart and not Add To Event Cart?

Because the event is already in your cart, an event in the cart will show ‘View event cart’, events not in the cart show ‘Add to Event Cart’

Should I not have a parent page for my events page? Honestly, I think I already tried removing that option too…

EE uses the EE event archive by default, even if you had a page with the /events/ slug, the archive would load either way as that’s what WordPress loads.

Your event archive only lists a single post and the ‘Blog pages show at most’ option Josh mentioned would normally allow you to set more to display than 1.

Are you using WordPress multisite?

February 28, 2020 at 3:41 pm

I am not using WordPress multisite.

After a nice hot mug of coffee and a refreshed outlook I copied and pasted the code and made the change and it worked. I even put my merchant account in test mode and made reservations and it went through. You have no idea what a relief this is. Thank you sooooo much for your patience and help with this.

February 28, 2020 at 3:46 pm

One last question…. during the registration process it always says Attendee !, 2, 3, 4, etc…

How difficult or is it even possible for it to recognize that I’m only registering 2 people for all the events so it should say Attendee 1 and Attendee 2 for each ticket? I had to make them separate events so that I could add a meal choice to one of the dinner tickets. I’m just worried this might confuse people (The average age of an Elk is well… in their 60s) Do you have a suggestion?


  • Support Staff

March 2, 2020 at 3:40 am

How difficult or is it even possible for it to recognize that I’m only registering 2 people for all the events so it should say Attendee 1 and Attendee 2 for each ticket?

In short, you can’t.

Event Espresso doesn’t split ‘attendee’ from ‘registrations’, so each ticket you select on a ticket selector will show as an attendee. You could remove the number from the above and just have ‘Attendee’, or nothing at all displayed there but you can’t separate specific tickets to be grouped with ‘attendee 1’ etc.

I had to make them separate events so that I could add a meal choice to one of the dinner tickets.

You can do that with another ticket choice.

Admission Ticket – $10
Admission Ticket + Dinner – $25

The user then selects the ticket they need if they need a meal.

Or there is a 3rd party add-on that allows you to add ‘values’ to questions so if the user selects the question the value is added to the transaction, that is available here:

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