
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Registration Form is not working with Multiple Event Registration extension

Registration Form is not working with Multiple Event Registration extension

Posted: December 4, 2019 at 2:38 pm

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December 4, 2019 at 2:38 pm

In our Event Espresso settings, we have a Registration Form and one of the questions is Who’s Going? The answer to that (a name) displays on the front end of the event page. This was currently working before we added the Multiple Event Registration extension that allowed users to checkout with more than one event at a time. But now, it seems that because they are only filling out the Registration Form one time and buying multiple events at a time, the info from the multiple checkouts is not getting to the event pages. For instance, if someone got one-two events, the info from the Registration Form only goes to one of the event pages.


  • Support Staff

December 5, 2019 at 3:36 am

Hi there,

The Multi-Event Registration addon (MER for short) uses the question settings for the first event added to the cart for all of the events, so may I ask, how is this “Who’s going?” question set up on the event?

Is it a custom question assigned to a custom group?

Are you asking that question for just the primary registrant or all?

Is there an event I can view to set your setup?


December 5, 2019 at 11:16 am

You would have to be a user to see the event on the link because it is set as restricted content. I can include screenshots of the event pages and the area that shows the “Who is Going?” Let me know what else you may need to troubleshoot this.

This is a link to the first event:

This is a link to the second event:


December 5, 2019 at 2:22 pm

src=”file:///C:/Users/brand/Downloads/%E2%80%B9%20Lighthouse%20Homeschoolers%20%E2%80%94%20WordPress%20(1).png” alt=”null” />


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2019 at 3:26 am

I can include screenshots of the event pages and the area that shows the “Who is Going?”

Whilst those may be fine, I won’t know until I see it tbh as it depends on your setup.

If you’d like to include screenshots you’ll need to host the image and post the link, we have some details here:

Or if you can create a temp admin user I’ll take a quick look using that, you can send over the temp login details using this form:


December 6, 2019 at 8:42 am

Login info sent!


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2019 at 5:58 am

Ok, so your events are set up to ask the “Who’s going” question within the Personal Information question group of the Primary Registrants and that is the only question group asked on the events, there are no additional registrant questions requested.

When you use MER, EE uses the event question settings for the first event added to the cart. Meaning if you add an event to the cart that only requests info from the Primary Registrant, it only asks that question group once and nothing else for the other events.

So what is happening here is your user is adding multiple tickets to the cart and each of those tickets creates a registration, as your events are set up to only ask the primary registrant (the first ticket) questions EE only requests the info once and that info is stored with the first registration in the ‘group’.

Meaning your “Who’s going” question is only saved on the primary registrant (shown as 1 / X and has a * next to their name in the registration list.

You custom query to pull in the registration question answer for “Who’s going” is pulling answers for registrations based on the EVT_ID, but registrations 2 – Y will not have that answer in group registrations.

You have 2 options to fix this, either split the “Who’s going” question into its own group and set that group to be requested on Primary registrant and Additional Registrants for each event


Alter your custom query pull registrations (right now it pulls answers, not registrations), loop through those registrations outputting the answer for the who going question but if no value is found, use the ‘primary registrants’ value in it’s place.


December 12, 2019 at 2:00 pm

Ok. Thank you for these answers. I sincerely appreciate it.

The first of my options seems less technical.
(The second one looks like a suggestion for code; PHP or something, correct?)

If I do the first option, I think what you’re saying is to:

  1. split the “Who’s going” question into its own group, (I believe I know how to do this)
  2. set that group to be requested on Primary registrants, (I believe I know how to do this)
  3. and [set that group to be requested on] Additional Registrant for each event (I will try to find out how to do that.

I will try this next and will get back to you as soon as I try it and will let you know!


December 12, 2019 at 2:13 pm

I took the first option you offered, outlined in my response above and it worked.

BAM! Thank you.


  • Support Staff

December 13, 2019 at 2:40 am

Great, I’m glad that worked for you 🙂

Just to reply to the above:

The first of my options seems less technical.
(The second one looks like a suggestion for code; PHP or something, correct?)

Yes, the first option is using features built into EE and its user interface and so is less technical.

The section option does involve code changes to the PHP you are currently using on the site to pull in those answers, I’m guessing you had a developer customize the output previously and they created the snippet in use right now as it is not from EE.

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