
Home Forums Community Forum reCaptcha displays some places not others

reCaptcha displays some places not others

Posted: December 30, 2022 at 3:45 pm

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December 30, 2022 at 3:45 pm

After clicking on reCaptcha display error shows up as “Sorry, there was a security error and your registration was not saved”. Tried to deactivate reCaptcha and then it still shows in random places but not others on registration page. Then to make it more complicated it won’t show in places on a computer but will show when looking on a cell phone. Most of our clients register from a cell phone which is giving this error and not allowing registrations. Have even tried to deactivate Event Espresso Plugin and Event Espresso Calendar Plugin and then reactivate it….still nothing. Any advise??? Have already contacted GoDaddy for support and submitted a ticket, up to 3-4 days before they can put someone on it.

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

January 3, 2023 at 2:50 am

Hi there,

Looking over the site I can see it has caching forced on all pages, which usually means you are on the GoDaddy Managed WordPress hosting package, is that correct?

Currently, it looks like you have reCaptcha disabled, or its not displayed on the events I’m viewing (which would be odd but could be due to caching).

Is reCaptcha enabled?

If so, can you link me to a page where it is displayed and also one where it is not?

Then to make it more complicated it won’t show in places on a computer but will show when looking on a cell phone.

Recaptcha will only show when NOT logged into the site, so when viewing the events on a computer make sure you are not logged in.

Caching will make this a little harder to text as GoDaddy forces caching you then need to wait for their cache to expire to see the changes (we can’t change that on our end unfortauntely).

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