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Over booking using waitlist (plugin) registration

Posted: January 10, 2020 at 9:54 am

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January 10, 2020 at 9:54 am

We have an event that has full weekend and 3 partial weekend events. When a partial registration was cancelled the first person on the waitlist was sent the email that a spot opened up.
My concern is that person had a full weekend request in the waitlist, and even though a partial weekend event opened up – they were able to sign up for a full weekend.
How can I correct this as the event can only hold so many persons and that amount is made up of a collective full weekend and partial weekend registrations?
Thank you,


  • Support Staff

January 10, 2020 at 2:38 pm

Hi Tanya,

The registration could be cancelled if their requested full weekend isn’t really available. May I ask was their registration auto-promoted or manually promoted? It might help to know how the event’s tickets/datetimes and their limits are set up in order to understand how they were able to sign up for a full weekend that wasn’t available.


January 11, 2020 at 11:11 am

Hi Josh, thank you for your reply. The registration was auto-promoted.
I will attempt to attach a screen shot of the # of tickets, and how many sold etc.

If the image was accessible you can see the numbers in the purple box.
The limit numbers just to the left of the purple box are lower than those within the box.
These numbers are showing after the partial weekend ticket cancellation and then the full weekend ticket purchase.
Thx, Tanya


  • Support Staff

January 13, 2020 at 11:00 am


Thank you for your reply. The Auto Promotion feature should only be used for events that do not offer multiple ticket type options, or events where the ticket type option doesn’t need an enforced limit. Since your event has ticket options for partial weekend and an option for a full weekend you should use the manual promotion feature of the wait list add-on.

This will allow you to check what’s available from a cancellation and match that with a specific request from the wait list. Then you can manually promote a wait list registration that’s requesting what’s now available.


January 14, 2020 at 10:39 am

Thank you Josh, that is unfortunate.
Are there plans to include multiple ticket options for auto promotion in the future?

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