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Multiple Event Registrations in EE4

Posted: February 10, 2015 at 9:03 am


February 10, 2015 at 9:03 am

I saw in one place that you can now register for multiple events in EE4 but then when I look at the add-ons the multiple event registration is only for EE3. So in EE4 can I have a user register for more than one class at a time?

thank you.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 10, 2015 at 9:06 am

Hi Ann, multiple event registrations is not available in Event Espresso 4.

Please let us know where you found that information so we can clarify.




February 10, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Maybe I misread it but I understood multiple event registrations meant that you could register for more than one class at a time. So does that mean that in EE4 if I have 10 classes set up my end user can only register for one class at a time pay an then have to go back into the system or can he/she choose more than one class to sign up for. Thanks!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 10, 2015 at 1:35 pm

Hi Ann, I think you may be referring to multiple dates and times per event. That option allows you to create different tickets and assign them to different datetimes:



February 10, 2015 at 3:47 pm

But can a user then sign up for the multiple dates for one event in one go or is that not possible with EE4?
Can they sign up for 2 events on 2 separate days in EE4. I am still confused. Thanks


  • Support Staff

February 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm

You can create multiple occurrences of the same type of event by adding more datetimes. Then you can create tickets to register for one or multiple or all datetimes. So, attendees can buy one or multiple tickets to one or multiple occurrences of an event.

But say you have a golf outing Event and a class, as entirely different events in EE4, attendees cannot checkout with a golf outing ticket and a class ticket.

Does that help?


February 11, 2015 at 1:53 am

Garth, Thank you. Yes it helps. I am in a bind wanting as we are setting up a new website and would prefer to use EE4 and not migrate going forward. So is it possible for me to create an event called SEMESTER 1 and put all my classes in event SEMESTER 1 but have different names for the sub-events (I believe that is something like what is done with the cookies/muffins). If I can do that can I have some of the sub-events be repeating events and some not? So say I have a 1 day workshop and a class that runs every Tuesday for 6 weeks could those be subevents?



February 11, 2015 at 2:23 am

One more question as I read your feature descriptions. The ticket selector – can registrations to multiple different events (re a golf course and a class) be achieved by using the ticket selector or are the different tickets set up only for one event. Also if you allow someone to buy tickets to 4 Saturday events (per your sample screen) can you tell which 4 Saturdays have been selected?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 11, 2015 at 11:39 am

Hi, the tickets / pricing options are set on a per-event basis. For example, if you have a golf event, then those tickets would only apply to this event and not any other events that have been created in Event Espresso.



February 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm

But then how does the example showing the various cooking classes work? That is all one event isn’t it with a bunch of subevents that can be registered to separately but all in one transaction..
Is there an ETA for multiple event registrations in EE4


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2015 at 5:38 am

Hi AnnC,

I think the best way to see how/if this would work for your requirements would be take a look at the EE4 admin, create and event and see what you think. You can ‘test drive’ Event Espresso this way by signing up here:

Test Drive Event Espresso 4

How it is setup depends on how you want to track attendance, but as an example lets say you have a Cookery Course.

This course takes place over 7 days and hosts a different class each day.

Each day costs $20 or buy all 7 for $100.

In this example we need to track attendance for each individual day as each class can only handle 25 attendees.

So within the Event we would create 7 Datetimes (one for each event) –

Then a ticket for each of those classes, and a ‘All Classes’ ticket –

If you click on the cog for the first ticket (Cookie Class) you can assign which datetime(s) that ticket should apply to. That ticket is obviously only for that class, so we will choose only the Cookie Datetime –

(All datetimes will be selected by default so its actually UNchecking all of the other tickets)

And then the same with all of the other tickets, each ticket applying only to the relevant datetime (class) that that ticket is for.

This applies until we get to the ‘All Classes’ ticket, if you by this ticket your ticket sale should apply to all of the datetime, so they should all be selected –

With this setup, if you register onto a single ticket that ticket applies only to the limit for that datetime, here is an example of me buying a cookie ticket –

Now lets say I wanted the ‘Cakes’, ‘Scones’ & ‘Bread’ I can select each of this tickets within the event –

Register onto those tickets and again those sales only apply to the relevant datetime limit –

finally if we register onto an all classes ticket –

That sale applies to all the datetimes, because that person will be attending each class –

Its a single registration that applies to all.

So to answer your question regarding the 4 Sunday events, you would need to create a ticket that applied to those 4 Sundays in one that the user could purchase, or create individual tickets for each Sunday and they could register onto the ones they wanted.

To show you how this would look within the registration list –

Does that help?

Jonathan Wilson

June 16, 2015 at 1:29 pm

Hey there,

I wanted to let you know that we have released our Multiple Event Registration add-on for Event Espresso 4:

It is now available in our store:

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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