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Multiple Event Registration – notifications & extra info

Posted: September 4, 2020 at 1:46 am

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September 4, 2020 at 1:46 am


When signing up for different events we experience problems on 2 topics.

1. Some events are organised by different people, so when making a new event they link their own custom messages (with their own e-mail addresses) to these events. When people sign up for 2 or more different events organised by different people, only one gets informed by e-mail, the other organiser gets no e-mail, which is a problem.
2. When signing up for an event people have to fill in a list of questions. Their answers are saved in the backend for the first event, but not the other events they signed up for, which is a problem because there are different organisers, so the other organisers don’t get the informations in the csv-reports, or linked to their event.
Any suggestions here? Thanks in advanced!


September 4, 2020 at 1:47 am

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September 4, 2020 at 1:48 am

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September 4, 2020 at 2:40 am

Another addition to problem 1. When people are signup for more than one event, form second event on the notifications are sent to the ‘regular e-mail address'(general setting – primary contact email), and not to the real organiser.


September 4, 2020 at 2:54 am

correction: Another addition to problem 1. When people are signup for more than one event the notifications are sent to the ‘regular e-mail address'(general setting – primary contact email), and not to the e-mail address linked to the custom messages (and organiser).


  • Support Staff

September 4, 2020 at 3:34 am

Hi there,

It sounds like you trying to use EE4 more for an event market place with multiple different event organizers, which it isn’t designed for.

For #1, when using multi-event registration, the message system will always use the ‘Default Message Templates’, you can’t change that within the system.

2. When signing up for an event people have to fill in a list of questions. Their answers are saved in the backend for the first event, but not the other events they signed up for, which is a problem because there are different organisers, so the other organisers don’t get the informations in the csv-reports, or linked to their event.

So you are only collecting the info once for all of the events?

EE considers each ticket to be a separate ‘registration’, you can collect details for all registrations or just 1 (the primary registrant) but if you do that the answers are assigned to that primary registrant only.

You can use a snippet to pull the answers from those answers from the primary registrant into the additional using a snippet like this:

Which sounds like what you need for the above.

Side note – please don’t post login details on the forum, we generally require a support token to log into your site unless we need to log in to view the event/register and have a secure form for sending them HERE.

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