
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Multiple Event Registrarion (MER) and Single Simple Form

Multiple Event Registrarion (MER) and Single Simple Form

Posted: August 6, 2014 at 4:06 pm

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Lin Pease

August 6, 2014 at 4:06 pm

Hello and thanks in advance for answering my particular inquiry.

We are using EE3 (v. and latest version of WP on a portal site for events.

While I believe I have set up everything correctly on our WP site, I have been requested to keep the registration form for MULTIPLE EVENT (or tickets, in this case) to a very minimum.

For example, I have an event that includes a paid event such as a DINNER event at a BASIC PRICE and we are also featuring a ticket that includes a DINNER + PRODUCT (being a T-Shirt, A Book or a Special Item) for a HIGHER / UPGRADED PRICE. While the [MER] allows us to set this up beautifully, my boss wants it to be extremely simple WITHOUT the need for an extra registration form for everyone else in a group registration set up. We just need ONE GENERAL registration form and not TWO.

Our initial tests, when we run this through, EE3 will ask for the first registration form and then ADD automatically another one IF there are other registrants choosing the upgraded ticket and this is not acceptable to us.

Can you please point me in the right direction on how this can be achieved? I have read your documentation, searched via forum but haven’t really seen the solution to our issue.

Much appreciated.


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2014 at 5:32 am

Hi Lin,

This is a limitation when using MER, each different ticket type (even on the same event) will require full registration details. There is currently no option you can set that will stop this.

For tickets that require all of the same information it is possible to hide the extra fields and then copy the information entered into the single visible section to all of fields using JavaScript. However this is not something we support.

EE4 can handles these types of registration much more elegantly but it depends on your feature requirements if this is suitable. Have you considered EE4 previously?

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