
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Missing event details on ticket when using promo codes

Missing event details on ticket when using promo codes

Posted: September 4, 2014 at 9:52 am

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Simona Finessi

September 4, 2014 at 9:52 am

I added a promo code to my event, so the ticket becomes free with it.
When viewing a ticket obtained by using a promo code, event details printed on ticket are missing.
I discovered that values “[event_time]”, “[price_option]” in “[attendee]” array (that is passed to the script) are empty, so the script replaces [start_date], [start_time], [ticket_type] and other shortcodes with null and prints nothing.
Could you please check if it’s a bug?
Thank you

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2014 at 11:22 am


Are you seeing this issue with the latest software for Event Espresso 3?


Simona Finessi

September 5, 2014 at 1:49 am

Yes, I’m using v3.1.36.5.P


  • Support Staff

September 5, 2014 at 3:25 am

Hi Simona,

I tested a Global & Non Global Promo code with 100% discount and found all of the Attendee values still set so need to narrow this down a little is possible.

Are you using Multi Event Registration (MER for short)?

How are your Promo codes set, Global percentages or non global assigned to the event?

Do you have any modified templates within wp-content/uploads/templates/ or have you modifed the default templates at all?

Looking at your site I notice you are running Quick Cache, which seems to be correctly identifying EE pages and not caching those, but possibly not all the pages. Have you checked this doesn’t occur with registrations without the Promo code?

Can I run a test registration on the site using a promo code? Is so can you email me the details (which event and the promo code to use) to support[at] please.

Simona Finessi

September 5, 2014 at 8:12 am

Hello, here’s my answers to your questions:
I’m not using MER, I used a Global promo without percentage (I used an amount equal to the ticket cost to make it free). I disabled Quick Cache for these pages:

/confirm-registration, /payment-confirmed, /registration-cancelled, /transactions, /registration-form-14-november-2014, /registration-form-15-november-2014, /registration-form-16-november-2014 (these are the slugs)

Yes, I slightly modified the default ticket template in \wp-content\plugins\espresso-ticketing\templates (index.php and simple.css).

Now I performed many other tests, it seems that the problem is not related with the promo code option but with “Send custom confirmation emails for this event” option

In fact, if I choose “Yes”, ticket is displayed correctly, while choosing “No” (default message) event details disappear from ticket. Default message hasn’t a link to ticket, but I could see it through the attendee list.

I think the problem is not related with ticket template, since I noticed that also in attendee list I can see “good” and “bad” tickets. Bad tickets (generated while “Send custom confirmation emails” was set to ‘no’) have “Event time” and “Option” columns empty in attendee list. This is the only option I changed between the two registrations.

If you cannot reproduce this behaviour, I’ll manage to setup a test event and I’ll send you the details.


  • Support Staff

September 8, 2014 at 4:32 am

Unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce this.

Could you provide login details so I could take a look at the events/attendees? If so please use this form:

If you could setup a test event I’ll add a couple of registrations to it as see what I find.

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