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Missing attendees (6)

Posted: May 19, 2014 at 10:57 am


May 19, 2014 at 10:57 am

I had a running clinic scheduled for May 31st with one attendee. I moved that attendee to the May 24th since I am cancelling my 31st. That went OK and there were now 2 attendees on the 24th.
I then deleted the clinic on the 31st.
Now, both attendees are gone from the clinic on the 24th.

Any ideas what happened and how to get them back?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 19, 2014 at 11:40 am


How were the attendees moved? Did you add the attendees manually through the WordPress admin?



May 19, 2014 at 1:13 pm

The attendee (one) was moved using the super handy Event Espresso – Attendee Mover Tool.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 19, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Deleted events are available if you toggle the dropdown status to show those events. Are you able to see the attendees from the attendee list on the old event?



May 19, 2014 at 10:17 pm

No. They are not in the deleted event. If I had to restore files from a daily backup, which files would bring them back??


May 19, 2014 at 10:18 pm

I had two people in the clinic. One was there all along. The other was moved from the deleted event before it was deleted.


May 20, 2014 at 3:56 am


“If I had to restore files from a daily backup, which files would bring them back??”

Your database.

“I had two people in the clinic. One was there all along. The other was moved from the deleted event before it was deleted.”

I’m not sure I understand, has the issue been resolved now or is there still a missing attendee?


May 20, 2014 at 7:14 pm

Is there a registration or transaction log I can refer to? The people signed up using groupon codes and I have know way to know who they were.
So to recap, my event had 2 people in it, and now there is no one.


May 20, 2014 at 7:18 pm

ALSO, I can not restore the database since I updated EE and WordPress since the last good backup. I would be afraid to restore the old datafiles into the new program versions….Correct???

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 20, 2014 at 7:50 pm

Hi! Do you have any partial information on the missing attendee such as a first name or an email?



May 20, 2014 at 11:24 pm

Yes I know one persons email address so that is not a problem. It’s the other person I Don’t know that is the issue.
And also the issue that the software would just erase from the database by itself…..


May 21, 2014 at 11:40 am

Can you please give me some direction? I am very concerned that data would just disappear……


  • Support Staff

May 21, 2014 at 4:10 pm

Hi Sconklin,

We are currently investigating this to try discover what is happening.

So just to be 100% clear, You have 2 events – event 1 & event 2

Event 1 had ‘Attendee A’ registered.

Event 2 had ‘Attendee B’ registered.

You moved Attendee A to Event 2 using the Attendee mover tool and deleted event 1 completely?

In doing so this seems to have removed both attendee from Event 2?

Would it be possible to take a look at the Event within the admin? If so could you please send temporary login details using:


May 21, 2014 at 8:09 pm

You have perfectly described the issue. I have used you link to give you temp access to the site.
Thanks in advance.


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2014 at 2:52 am

Hi sconklin,

I have tried moving & cloning attendees from 1 event to another multiple times and then removing the original event without any issues.

The attendee’s stay within the new event, are removed from the original if moving and will also remain within the original if cloning.

But upon removing the original event I found no issues with the attendee within the other.

If you go to the Event Overview, Set the Status Filter to ‘Deleted’, set All Rows and then click retrieve (, you’ll find your original event on the 31st within the Deleted events, within that event is 2 attendees, are they the original attendees?


May 22, 2014 at 8:25 am

Those two attendees are not real. Someone is jacking with my site and putting fake ones in there.
The attendee i moved from May 31st into the May 24th clinic is the data I need.
Are you telling me that there is no way to retrieve the data for the 2 people in the May 24th clinic who disappeared?


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2014 at 11:36 am

Are you telling me that there is no way to retrieve the data for the 2 people in the May 24th clinic who disappeared?

The issue you mention is not expected behaviour and not something I’ve been able to reproduce. To explain a little further, the event information and attendee information are stored within 2 separate tables (*wp_prefix*_events_detail and *wp_prefix*_events_attendee respectively)

When you initially delete an event within EE it becomes ‘soft deleted’ which basically means it is marked with a status of ‘Deleted’ and ignored within Event Espresso but still remains within the database. Which is why if you select the status of Deleted on the Event Overview you can view the event. (Just to confirm the deleted event visible on the 31st with the two attendee mentioned previous is the original event yes?)

At this point no code is ran that can remove the attendees from the database, it is only when you permanently delete the event that ANY attendees are removed, and then only attendees that are assigned with the event_id that you are perm deleting.

If you know the email address for one of the attendee have you search the attendee reports for that email?

Go to Event Espresso -> Event Overview. Set the status filter to ‘ALL (Active/Inactive)’, the row retrieval to ‘All’ then click ‘Retrieve’ –

That pulls all the information from the database for active/not active event (not including deleted). Now click the ‘All Attendees’ link just above the filters.

Input the email address you know currently within the ‘Live Search Filter’ field, are any attendees found?


May 22, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Thanks for the explanation. Helpful…No ,searching for the email address of a known registree, does not bring this person up. I could run Grep on the tables and see if it finds the email string. Maybe the indexs are damaged?
How does data dissappear?


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2014 at 2:44 pm

How does data dissappear?

It should not, there are just too many variables for me to give you a definitive answer.

As previously mentioned I can not reproduce this when testing, when moving and/or cloning attendees and then deleting the original event, the moved/cloned attendees are all visible after deleting the main event. I also tested permanently deleting the event, again those new/moved attendee’s were not removed.

The reason for the explanation above is that even if you permanently deleted your event (which it appears not), or somehow managed to call the delete function, it would only be relevant for the event which called it. Which could (in theory) still apply to one of the attendees (the one that was moved) but not the other as it had never been registered within that event, and therefore would not be associated with that event_id.

So unfortunately I can not tell you how that data has been deleted (or indeed if it actually has been delete, although again it would appear so), if you have a database backup from before this happened I’d be happy to take a look within that and see if I can extract the data from there?

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