
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Invoice only shows one event with multiple event registration

Invoice only shows one event with multiple event registration

Posted: October 18, 2014 at 8:01 am

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October 18, 2014 at 8:01 am

Wordpress Version – 3.9.2
Event Espresso –
Multiple Event Registration Add-on v1.0.5

Registering for multiple workshops causes a few issues:
a. The invoice for their registration only lists one course (the last one listed) – both on the actual invoice and in the invoice title. In this example our intern registered for 2 workshops, “Therapeutic Artistry” and “Secrets in Families.” The email is correct and shows both workshops. However, the invoice in that email lists the price paid correctly, but only lists the last workshop she registered for, “Secrets in Families.”
b. In paypal, only one workshop name shows up – this one is the first workshop on the list.
c. All ‘attendee information’ pages on the back end that are created when the person registered (so if they registered for 4 workshops, there are 4 registration IDs) have only one course name listed at the top.


  • Support Staff

October 21, 2014 at 10:50 am

Hi Marcos,

Can you check to see if there are any template, functions, or gateway files that have been modified? Normally each event is itemized in the invoice and PayPal checkout.

With item c, the attendee data you’re looking at is the primary registration record. If you look over to the right column there are links to additional records under the heading “Additional Attendees”. When you click on those links it will take you to the attendee record for the other courses/workshops.

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