
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Individual event registration pages blank

Individual event registration pages blank

Posted: May 11, 2014 at 1:32 am

Pedro Ordenes

May 11, 2014 at 1:32 am

So I was an idiot and tried to make a change in registration_page_display.php. It made all the event registration pages disappear (just the header remaining), so I re-uploaded the original unedited one. They are still blank. I deleted browser history, cleared the cache, cookies, etc – still gone.

I event re-downloaded the core files and uploaded the original php file from there, including the linked registration_page.php. No luck!

So my questions are: how can I fix this, and is there an easier way to modify the look of the individual event registration pages? There are so many pretty examples online but the automatic one on our site looks a bit sloppy. Is modifying this PHP file the only way? Thanks!

Pedro Ordenes

May 11, 2014 at 1:53 am

Oh I fixed it! Nevermind 🙂 Still – what are the best tools for modifying the look of the event page? I have a plugin called Visual Composer I was hoping to use but the shortcodes don’t seem to translate very well.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 11, 2014 at 3:44 pm


Editing the display of the information on the events pages will require edits to the template files:

You can move a copy of these files to this location so that you customizations are not lost on a software update:



Pedro Ordenes

May 12, 2014 at 1:26 am

Thanks Lorenzo! So are the examples on the feature page here done through editing the PHP files, CSS, or both?

I was hoping to avoid php in favor of something “dumbed down”, but the themeroller settings looked awful – I just didn’t like the look, it didn’t match my theme, and it mangled the registration forms. Without themeroller, the default looks somewhat like this (I made some small CSS changes): which is dull in comparison to those in the link above.

Thanks so much!


May 12, 2014 at 2:51 am


Yeah the Themeroller styles are quite basic. EE4 has moved away from them in favour of using the theme to style the events (the events are Custom Post Types in EE4).

There are a variety of ways you can modify the looks of the pages:

1) Roll your own Themeroller style –

2) Turn off Themeroller and use custom CSS to style. I tend to use a free plugin called My Custom CSS to add in the CSS rules

Often just using CSS can be sufficient as you can hide areas you don’t want to show. However, for more extensive changes you may need to get your hands dirty with the PHP templates.

I would also recommend checking out the Custom Templates Addon –

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