
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium I'd liike to offer a FREE admission discount to a group

I'd liike to offer a FREE admission discount to a group

Posted: June 14, 2013 at 1:10 am

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JesterZ Improv

June 14, 2013 at 1:10 am

I’d like to offer a FREE admission discount to a large or small group.  Currently I have the discount code set for the dollar amount of the admission, but when it’s entered – that applies to ALL registrants.  I gave away 5 free tickets to a group of 5 (who just paid for the tax).

How do I offer a FREE admission discount while the remainder pay full price?


June 14, 2013 at 7:18 am


Both Promotional Codes and Social Coupons affect the entire basket currently.

What you could do is use the Volume Discoutns add on (available via the Pre Release channel) and set it to discount after X number of tickets added and discount for the price of one ticket, eg add 5 tickets and pay for 4.

JesterZ Improv

June 14, 2013 at 9:21 am

yeah, I’ve got that set – we have a discount for 8 or more that gives 10%.  I’m hoping to add a “free admission” which will discount the price of ONE – no matter how many they purchase.

on the same token:  When they purchase the ticket, enter the free code, it charges them the tax (or service fee).  Is there a way around that?


June 18, 2013 at 5:23 am


No there isnt a way currently to target a single ticket.

“When they purchase the ticket, enter the free code, it charges them the tax ” Is this using the Promotional Codes? As I tested locally with and without Multiple Event Registration and couldnt recreate this, the surcharge was removed each time. What version of Event Espresso are you using?

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