
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 Performance Issues

EE4 Performance Issues

Posted: December 7, 2015 at 5:31 am

Richard Wallis

December 7, 2015 at 5:31 am


We are in the middle of our very busy Christmas Grotto Season with 24 events on each of 10 days in December with an average of 50 registrations per event.

The basic site works fine except, that at busy periods when there are upto 10 users on the site at the same time, we get reports of successful transactions but no confirmation emails sent.

From an administration point of view I get very bad performance when resending registration details (the way to recover from the first problem) or applying refunds when people have multi-booked in attempting to get an email of wish to change a booking.

By bad performance I mean timings of a couple of minutes for the resend process to complete or 4-5 minutes to apply a cash refund/cancel a booking – the cancel email usually appearing half way through the process.

The site is running on a Amazon Web Services t2.medium instance with 2 CPU 4Gbmem

Taking a look at the database See listing of tables I can only see single indexes on the tables. Many years experience in software tells me that there probably should be some more indexes than the default ones on some of those large tables.

Any suggestions on adding indexes.


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2015 at 10:32 am

The indexes could help with performance in other areas, but since you’re seeing the issue happen when the server is trying to send email, I can suggest trying out a service that’s built for high-performance and reliable email transactions like Mandrill or Postmark.

Richard Wallis

December 8, 2015 at 2:37 pm

The problem is not with the email system. Other Emails are continuing to run through fine. As per the one example I gave where the email arrives halfway through a refund process.

Looking at the db processes at a busy time there is obviously something not happy in that area (this does not include any admin processes as described above):
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 2392 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 68 | | |
| 2393 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 415 | | |
| 2394 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 414 | | |
| 2397 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 388 | | |
| 2398 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 388 | | |
| 2401 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 385 | | |
| 2420 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist |
| 2492 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 118 | | |
| 2493 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 118 | | |
| 2494 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 117 | | |
| 2495 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 115 | | |
| 2496 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 114 | | |
| 2510 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 88 | | |
| 2511 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 87 | | |
| 2514 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 85 | | |
| 2517 | smarttrees | localhost | smarttrees_wordpress | Sleep | 79 | | |

I think as a first step applying some indexes would be a good start. Not having an insight into the sql you use when creating reservations I would appreciate some advice as to the busy tables and normally unindexed columns used in where clauses.



  • Support Staff

December 8, 2015 at 3:01 pm

Hi Richard,

If you temporarily disable the emails and run a registration, is it still slow?

Re: the indexes, you are invited to open an issue on Github and one of the developers can follow up with you:

Richard Wallis

December 8, 2015 at 3:37 pm

With currently an average of 10 concurrent users in my booking system at the moment, turning off email confirmations is unfortunately not an option.

Will head to github though.


  • Support Staff

December 8, 2015 at 4:25 pm

It’s actually an option if you disable them for a test event -or- if you have your site set up on a staging server, you can disable them globally.

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