
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE3 to EE4 Migration Issues

EE3 to EE4 Migration Issues

Posted: March 15, 2023 at 1:37 pm

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Upstairs Circus

March 15, 2023 at 1:37 pm


I am having issues migrating from EE3 to EE4.

Some background…

I used EE4 for a short period of time from 2015-2016. We then switched to EE3 to give users the ability to cancel their own registrations. We have been on EE3 ever since.

We would like to move to EE4 now that it has more functionality. With that said, the only data that is migrating when using the migration tool is the events that were previously in EE4 (then moved to EE3). We have 21,588 events in our database, there are only ~1600 migrating. No attendee data is migrating whatsoever (about 450k registrations).

As an FYI, I dropped the esp tables in the database prior to installing EE4 or trying to migrate, so the esp tables that were created are new.

The questions are:
– Is there another way to export events and attendees from EE3 and then import them into EE4?
– Any other insight in what to do to get things to migrate?



  • Support Staff

March 15, 2023 at 2:14 pm

Hi there,

– Is there another way to export events and attendees from EE3 and then import them into EE4?

To answers this fully is complex, so without going into all kinds of details that will ultimately lead you to the same place I’ll keep this short and sweet with a simple no, it’s not.

If you really want more details on why we can go into more but the best way to do what you are looking for is using the migrations within EE4.

– Any other insight in what to do to get things to migrate?

So… again… this is complex, but this one we need to go into more detail on.

First, I need to clarify some of your points.

We have 21,588 events in our database

In your EE3 database?

there are only ~1600 migrating.

Those are the events that were previously created in EE4, correct?

Considering you’ve already mentioned you’ve dropped tables etc, I assume you are comfortable running queries manually? For example through PHPMyAdmin?

Are you testing this on a dev/staging site? If not, I recommend creating one, the steps to fix this will require manipulating the DB so highly recommended to test this on a copy first.

Upstairs Circus

March 15, 2023 at 3:06 pm

Hi Tony,

Thanks for getting back to me! I know this is a mess!

First, I need to clarify some of your points.

We have 21,588 events in our database

In your EE3 database?


there are only ~1600 migrating.

Those are the events that were previously created in EE4, correct?

Yes again!

I am comfortable using basic functions in PHPMyAdmin, but, yes this is on a dev site with a dev DB copied from live, so I am OK with trial and error! It can always be re-copied.

Thanks again


  • Support Staff

March 15, 2023 at 4:16 pm

Ok, so thinking about this more, you’re going to be able to keep either your EE3 data or your EE4 data, not both.

When you activate the current version of EE4 then I suspect the migrations you are seeing are the EE4 database schema migrations (as we make changes in the database we have migration scripts to fix the data), its NOT an EE3 migration but rather EE4 -> EE4 migrations so the database matches what EE expects.

EE3 migrations will only run if core detects EE3 data AND there is no EE4 data. When you say you dropped the esp_ tables, how exactly?

We have functions within EE4 to drop the tables and clear the EE4 data from the database, if you didn’t use the your events will still be stored within the wp_posts table as they are a custom post type and the site options EE4 uses will still be there.

Activate EE4 on the site and go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> Reset/Delete Data.

Click the “Permanently Delete ALL Event Espresso Data” button.

EE4 will delete its tables and related data.

Now reactivate EE4 and it should offer to run all the EE3 migrations again.

Again note you will NOT have the EE4 events/registrations from the time you used EE4 from 2015-2016.

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