How to Create a Custom Message Template

The messages system in Event Espresso handles notifications for all events. For example, if you had an event called Fall Festival and another called Winter Wonderland, then the global message templates would be used.

What if you would like to use a specific template for a certain event? The messages system can help you do this by using a custom template.

Create a Custom Message Template

1) Login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin)

2) Look for Event Espresso in the admin menus and then click on Messages and then click on Default Message Templates. You’ll now be viewing the messages overview screen.

3) Locate the message type that you are wanting to use. For example, the registration details email that goes out is from the Registration Approved message type. After you have found your message type, click on the Create Custom button that appears towards the right are of your screen and this will take you to the messages editor.

4) Towards, the top of the page, you’ll see a dropdown for the recipient. Event Admin means that you are editing a custom message template that will go to the event admin / event author. Primary Registrant is the first person (attendee) that registers in the event. Registrant is used for all registrants including the primary registrant that may register at once for an event. If you do not see a recipient mentioned above, then it is not supported for the message type that you are editing. Select your intended recipient using the dropdown menu and then click on the Switch Recipient button.

5) Next, remove the text for “Custom Message Template” and add a descriptive name/title. For example, if we were creating a custom registration approved message type for our Fall Festival event, then we might set the name as Custom Reg Approved – Fall Festival. Then enter a brief description in the next text box.

6) Now make changes to your custom message template and then click on Save.

Link your Custom Message Template to an Event

Be sure that you have save changes to your custom message template.

Now you can enable it for your event. Go to Event Espresso –> Events. Look for your event in the Events Overview screen and click on it. This will take you to the event editor. Scroll towards the end of the page and look for the Notifications area. Toggle the Email tab and then look for the message type that you would like to assign your custom template to. For example, with our Fall Festival event, we created a custom message type for the Registration Approved message type so we would click on the dropdown for that message type and then select our custom message template and then save changes to the event.


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this feature.
  • Enqueue your own styles or scripts via this hook (and just add the regular wp_enqueue_style() etc in your function):
    That should load any CSS scripts/styles AFTER the messages styles/scripts.
  • Learn about Registering a Messages Template Variation

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