
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Yoast SEO 3.0.X conflict, Apply Payment and Apply Refund buttons don't work

Yoast SEO 3.0.X conflict, Apply Payment and Apply Refund buttons don't work

Posted: January 19, 2016 at 8:12 pm

Ian Mills

January 19, 2016 at 8:12 pm

I previously posted about this here:

I’d rolled back Yoast to an earlier version in the meantime, but attempted to resolve the issue again today. The suggestion of using WP_DEBUG is not relevant, as it is a JavaScript issue.

The issue regarding the table layout appears to be a conflict caused by both Yoast SEO and EE using a .desc class. Yoast sets this to display: block, yet EE uses the class on table headings. I can’t imagine how this issue wouldn’t occur on Tony’s test sites, as it’s pretty straightforward what’s going on.

The main issue though is the Apply buttons on Transactions not working. The click event on those buttons doesn’t appear to be getting fired. The issue occurs even on a site with only EE and Yoast activated.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  • Support Staff

January 20, 2016 at 4:03 am

Hi Ian,

Yeah that’s really strange. I’m running Yoast (currently 3.0.7) on multiple test sites and live sites, none seem to be running into this.

Registration table works fine –

Payments/Refunds working –

If I manually apply display: block to .desc I get this on the registrations table –

Which I’m assuming is how it loads instantly for yourself?

It sounds like on your site, Yoast is loading all of its styles and scripts on all pages within the admin, it should only load when editing posts/pages.

Do you have a development copy of the site? If so can you test with only EE and Yoast activated on a default theme such as twentyfourteen and see if the same happens.

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