
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium WP Mail SMTP


Posted: December 10, 2019 at 10:38 am

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Couples In Step

December 10, 2019 at 10:38 am

I see a number of posts about this plug in in the support forums, but none seem to be addressing specifically my concern. So here goes.

Here’s the error message box on my website:

EMAIL DELIVERY ERROR: the plugin WP Mail SMTP v1.7.1 logged this error during the last time it tried to send an email:

Mailer: Gmail
“error”: “invalid_grant”,
“error_description”: “Token has been expired or revoked.”
Consider running an email test after fixing it.

When I go to the messages section of EE, perhaps the last 3 messages (pertaining to the last registration: to each of the two registrants and to myself the event administrator) that should have gone out did not go out as there is a blue line to the left of the messages. The many messages proceeding these most recent 3 have green line indicators to the left of the message.

Interestingly the last email that did get sent was also involved with the last registration. It was a payment received message and went to the primary registrant.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2019 at 1:30 pm

Hi Irene,

The error message your getting above means you gmail details used on the site are incorrect.

I’m assuming you’ve always sent your emails through gmail?

Is WP Mail SMTP the only email plugin you have on the site?

If so go to Settings -> WP Mail SMTP

Check that your gmail settings are correct on that section and save.

Couples In Step

December 10, 2019 at 2:17 pm

I also have Gmail SMTP but it is not active.

I checked the WP Mail SMTP and the gmail settings are correct.

Now what?


  • Support Staff

December 11, 2019 at 1:58 am

Have you changed the password on your Google Account recently?

WP Mail SMTP has a thread in their support forums that mentions the same error here:

I’d try removing the Gmail connection and then reapply it, currently, it looks like authentication between your server and gmail has expired.

Couples In Step

December 11, 2019 at 8:08 pm

Yes, I have changed my pw on my google account! And yes the problem began immediately after that!

Followed the instructions in the link you provided and everything is working again. Thanks Tony.

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