
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Website Down after updating DB

Website Down after updating DB

Posted: March 16, 2023 at 1:50 pm

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Kelsey Chmilar

March 16, 2023 at 1:50 pm

On my WordPress plugins page, I’m seeing this message:
As part of the process for updating Event Espresso, your database also needs to be updated. Event Espresso is in COMPLETE MAINTENANCE MODE (both WordPress admin pages and front-end event registration pages are disabled) until you run the database update script. Visit the Maintenance Page to get started, it only takes a moment.
After doing this database update my whole website was down, so I had to restore my complete website.
Currently, my website is running but the Event Espresso plugin is on Maintainance Mode Active, any suggestions? my Event Espresso plugin is Version 5.0.0.p


  • Support Staff

March 16, 2023 at 3:48 pm

Hi there,

Is this the site linked to your license? It looks like that’s running 4.10.45 so I assume you’ve switched back now?

If you check the server’s error logs it should show you the error being thrown at the time, if you can add that here we can investigate further.

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