
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Waitlist and reCAPTCHA

Waitlist and reCAPTCHA

Posted: April 4, 2023 at 5:40 pm

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Chris Bouse

April 4, 2023 at 5:40 pm

Hello EE team, I just started getting hit with a ton of spam registrations on our waitlist. I searched the forum and found a recent post that walks you through the process of making sure it’s active. I have verified all the settings are correct, and reCAPTCHA seems to be working properly, but I’m still getting tons of waitlist registrations which are all spam. Any troubleshooting advice?

Chris Bouse

April 5, 2023 at 10:45 am

Just an update, so we had reCAPTCHA turned off for a while because of an authorization issue. it is now turned on and running great. I’m noticing that all of the spam waitlist registrations are coming in a single event. not sure if that matters.

Also, I used a secondary browser, which I cleared everything from, and tested the reCAPTCHA. it works great on the registration form however I do not see it on the waitlist form.


  • Support Staff

April 20, 2023 at 3:29 pm

Hi Chris,

My apologies for the delayed reply on this one.

Also, I used a secondary browser, which I cleared everything from, and tested the reCAPTCHA. it works great on the registration form however I do not see it on the waitlist form.

You stating you do not ‘see’ it on the waitlist form stands out to me here.

Does that mean you are using the old checkbox reCaptcha rather than invisible reCaptcha?

Invisible reCaptcha works with the waitlist add-on, checkbox does not.

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