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Using Personal license for business?

Posted: August 12, 2015 at 12:18 am


August 12, 2015 at 12:18 am

Hi, perhaps the word “Personal” is throwing me off, but can you buy a Personal license for a business site?

I’m using a conference event theme, so I don’t need most of the add-ons in the Everything License. Just one or two. Am I able to buy the Personal license if I am a business?


  • Support Staff

August 12, 2015 at 3:13 am

Hi Kylee,

How are you today?

Using the personal license is perfectly fine for business, the choice of using ‘Personal’ was simply because most business users also wanted the add-ons so a package was created originally called the ‘Business License’ with EE3, the ‘Personal’ license being for users that mainly wanted the core plugin.

EE4 changed this up a little we have the ‘everything license’ but we continued to use the ‘Personal’ phrase for the core plugin.

If all you need is the core plugin (regardless of what you are using it for) then the personal license is fine.

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