
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Using [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL] instead of [CO_EMAIL]

Using [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL] instead of [CO_EMAIL]

Posted: January 29, 2016 at 4:02 am


January 29, 2016 at 4:02 am

I can see that different parts of the different e-mails have different sets of shortcodes that can be used, however in the Registration Pending Payment Template sent to the Primary Registrant Recipient, I want to add a note to send a message to the event author using[EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL]. Is this even possible?


  • Support Staff

January 29, 2016 at 4:23 am

All messages have contexts in which they are used.

The Registration Pending Payment message has 2 contexts, Event Admin and Primary Registrant.

You can edit the Event Admin context by clicking on the link within Event Espresso -> Messages –

Then to change who that message is sent to you can change the shortcode in use within the TO Field –

Or add another separated by a comma.

You can edit that template to include information that is only sent to the Event Author (and/or the additional email address) but you can not wrap content within shortcodes so they are only visible to specific users if that’s what you are looking to do?

If so I’m not sure why that would be needed as each context is sent only to the correct user.


January 29, 2016 at 4:30 am

I wanted to add the following Please send proof of purchase to [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL]. If I switch the shortcode I use to [CO_EMAIL], then it saves, but using [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL] doesn’t save as they is a warning saying that [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL] isn’t one of the usable shortcodes. This isn’t about sending to a specific shortcode, but adding HTML to the e-mail.


  • Support Staff

January 29, 2016 at 4:37 am

Ah ok, I see.

So you are trying to add that shortcode to the Main Content area?

If so try adding the shortcode within the EVENT_LIST section. The main content area doesn’t have access to the event shortcodes, [EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL] is linked to a specific event so is only available within sections that are specific to an event.

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