
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Using Co Formatted Email

Using Co Formatted Email

Posted: May 23, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Sue Adams

May 23, 2014 at 4:47 pm

1) I’ve looked at the description for [CO_FORMATTED_EMAIL] and I’m not sure I understand what this is and where it comes from. Could someone explain it to me in super layman terms?

2)I want the person who is organizing our event to received the Admin emails. I have no issue setting them up in Event Espresso somewhere so that it can pull their email address, but not sure how to make sure she is the Event Admin Recipient. The only thing she’ll be doing within the system is exporting csv reports. Suggestions?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 23, 2014 at 7:08 pm

Hi Sue,

The [CO_FORMATTED_EMAIL] is the email that you set in the Your Organization settings page.

The Event Admin or the person creating the event using the Event Editor will receive notifications. Does your colleague have a user account in WordPress?

If so, you can toggle screen options in the top right corner of the Event Editor page. Then place a checkmark in the Author option. From there, you can scroll down and switch the author to he account and save changes.


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