
Home Forums Community Forum Using an action hook to write the registree info to a file….

Using an action hook to write the registree info to a file….

Posted: July 11, 2016 at 9:32 am

Ryan Short

July 11, 2016 at 9:32 am

I’m using 4.9.2.decaf to make sure what we’re wanting to do is possible before purchasing. I need to write a hook to get the registered person(s) info into a text file for future use. So upon registering for an event (free or paid), I need to run this script….

I’ve seen documentation about ‘AHEE__EE_Registration_Processor__trigger_registration_update_notifications’ but can’t seem to get it to work. Thanks in advance.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 11, 2016 at 10:24 am


Before you get into custom coding, I do want to mention that you’ll have access to the registrant/attendee information in a few different ways.

You can see a list of registrants for an event through Event Espresso –> Events and then hover over the name of an event and click on Registrations.

You can also click through on a specific registration on that page and view the individual details.

If you would like to generate a CSV of the registrants for an event, then that can be done from the end of the registrations page for a specific event through the registrations CSV button.


Ryan Short

July 11, 2016 at 10:27 am

Thanks, but my end goal is to actually push the registrants info into an external CRM system…. I was just trying to write it to a txt file as a ‘step 1’ before moving forward. Any suggestions? I can’t seem to get the hook ‘AHEE__EE_Registration_Processor__trigger_registration_update_notifications’ working

Ryan Short

July 11, 2016 at 10:46 am

Looks like I have it working but where can I find the info stored in $registration->attendee()

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