
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium ?Upgrade? to EE 5.0.0.p presenting problems

?Upgrade? to EE 5.0.0.p presenting problems

Posted: March 22, 2023 at 4:25 pm

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March 22, 2023 at 4:25 pm

Very little lead time when Event Espresso updated our site to EE 5.0.0.p several days ago.
In trying to find guidance, the EE site only provides documentation for EE3 and EE4; Not EE5. Our site looks weird. Does not have the ease of access previously provided.
Do we deactivate Event Espresso – Attendee Mover (EE4.9.13+)
Activate | Delete
Event Espresso – Calendar (EE 4.3+)
Activate | Delete
Event Espresso – MER – Multi Event Registration (EE 4.7.0+)
Activate | Delete
Event Espresso – Wait Lists (EE4.9+)
Activate | Delete
How do we know if our database information was migrated to EE5.0?


  • Support Staff

March 22, 2023 at 4:42 pm

Hi there,

Very little lead time when Event Espresso updated our site to EE 5.0.0.p several days ago.

Can you explain this further, please?

Lead time? We didn’t ‘force’ any update within Event Espresso so I assume you opted for the update?

In trying to find guidance, the EE site only provides documentation for EE3 and EE4; Not EE5.

What guidance are you looking for? EE5 basically ‘is’ EE4 with a new Event Editor and some additional code changes.

Our site looks weird. Does not have the ease of access previously provided.

Can you add more details, please?

How do we know if our database information was migrated to EE5.0?

There is a single database migration within EE5, if yo ran the migration and EE is no longer in maintenance mode, the migration has been run.


March 22, 2023 at 11:06 pm

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  • Support Staff

March 23, 2023 at 8:02 am

When working in the site, a notice appeared and mentioned the EE5.0.0.p change. I logged off because I wanted to learn more about the update. The update showed up the next day. Did not accept the update.

Hmm, strange. EE doesn’t support auto-updates so I have no idea how the update was applied if you didn’t accept it. We haven’t changed our plugin update engine code to allow for WP auto-updates and this is one of the reasons why we haven’t done it. Some of our updates require migrations so we only update when the user clicks to update.

Thanks for clarifying. I did not see anything that advised what changes were made.

There are a lot of changes in the EE5 code and we will have an update changelog for it soon, however, a lot fo the change log will be general terms such as:

Improved request sanitation throughout.
Added new ‘Advanced Event Editor’.
Added support for upcoming recurring events add-on.

The changes are far and wide within this release which is why it’s a ‘major’ version number bump but the majority of users won’t want to dig into line-by-line changes of what “Improved request sanitation throughout” actually means so we don’t go into extensive detail.

EE5 is currently being released using a new phased system we have in place and we’ve done that for multiple reasons, partially to reduce the load on both the license system and the update engine but also to help reduce the number of conflicts that come up all at once. We can’t possibly test all plugin combinations so if people install EE5 and find it conflicts we want to be able to quickly push another update for that specific issue and move onto the next, not have an influx of X conflicts that all need fixing ‘now’.

(Side note, since the first release of EE5 there has only been 1 critical issue to address so far, other improvements made but nothing causing users critical issues)

font size is large; wide spacing between columns.

The WordPress standard font size was 13px, and they’ve begun to bump that up to 16px.

With Event Espresso 5, we’ve adopted the industry standard default font size of 16px for improved accessibility (visibility for the visually impaired), and it is easier to read for more people. You should be able to quickly scale a webpage up or down using ctrl++ (mac: cmd++) and ctrl+- (mac: cmd+-).

Does that help?

I did not run the migration. Please advise how.

You must have, otherwise the site would still be in maintenance mode.

EE will give you 2 options.

1. Run the migration.
2. Wipe the EE data from the site and start again.

Either one of those must have been run for EE to be functional on your site.

I have a few more questions. If and how to reset tables in the maintenance area.

You want to reset your EE tables?

Meaning you will lose all current Event Espresso data (events, registrations, messages, everything within EE) and start again?


March 23, 2023 at 9:58 am

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  • Support Staff

March 23, 2023 at 10:35 am

YIKES! Nope. Do I need to do any of the reset buttons?

No, come out of that section.

You only need those functions when something has gone wrong and we would guide you there, you don’t need to do anything there normally.

Most of the options in that section will delete your data.

How do I know if our data was backed up during the migration?

EE does NOT backup anything, so if you haven’t done your own database backup, nothing has been backed up.

If you want to make a backup there’s a bunch of plugins that can do it for you. An example of one I have used in the past is updraftplus.

On the site go to Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new.

In the search input updraftplus, install and activate it.

Use that to create a database backup.

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