
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Updated description of ticket does not appear in previously generated Invoices

Updated description of ticket does not appear in previously generated Invoices

Posted: March 14, 2023 at 5:38 am

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March 14, 2023 at 5:38 am

As clients requested a price breakdown in the invoice for a combined ticket we are selling, I added a description for the relevant tickets in the event control panel describing that price breakdown.

When clicking the “preview” button on the custom invoice edit page, the relevant descriptions DO show in the preview.

However, for clients who previously made a registration – even though I am told that the invoices are dynamically generated – the description is not updated and it still says just “(For PGPR Workshop 2023)” as it did before.

How do I make this work..?



  • Support Staff

March 15, 2023 at 3:39 pm

Can you describe to me the process that someone is using to generate the new invoice?


March 18, 2023 at 5:16 am

So I understand that there is actually a process to be used to generate the new invoice. 😀

oddly enough, a template change I made in the last couple of days is in fact applied to the invoice when I access it – but the item description is not updated.

So what do I need to do in order to have the invoice regenerated in a way that will update the item description..?


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2023 at 8:12 am

So to try and clear up some of the confusion here, Invoices are indeed generated dynamically… every time you load an invoice then changes within the invoice template will be loaded with the objects passed to it.

However, when a registration is created it is assigned to an EE_Transaction and to build out that transaction we generate EE_Line_Items, basically each row of a transaction is a Line_Item and they relate to various objects within Event Espresso itself. Some of those line items are generated from the ticket when the transaction is created and then saved to the database and loaded when the transaction is used (like in an invoice).

So the dynamically generated Invoice is passed the EE_Transaction and its line_items, which were generated using the ticket object from before you changed the description and have the ‘old’ description saved within the line_item.

Right now, we don’t have a way to regenerate the line items for a transaction as it wasn’t expected to be done.

How many registrations are we talking about here?

Note that whilst line items aren’t rocket science, I am overly simplifying this a little to help explain easier but the idea is line_items were generated using the Ticket object before your description changes and now the line items need to be updated/regenerate based on those changes, so it’s not actually the invoice itself.

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