
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Status request on "Can I export registrations for all events?"?

Status request on "Can I export registrations for all events?"?

Posted: September 27, 2014 at 7:34 pm


September 27, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Any updates on this feature request?

As I mentioned in the previous post, exporting registration on lots of small events is a very labor-intensive problem. I can create some sort of hackish system where I export db data directly, but if you’re going to develop this in the future, I’d rather comply with the system that you intend to create.

Thanks for any info you can provide….

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 28, 2014 at 3:08 pm


This is not yet available but will be in a future version of Event Espresso 4.



September 29, 2014 at 9:55 pm

Hey Lorenzo, thanks for your reply. Can you give me any info about a possible timeline on this? Since you guys don’t have a public-facing issue tracker, I can’t tell how much support there is for such a feature, nor any developer notes about how much work it is. I’m guessing from your reply that it’s not slated for the next version, but I don’t know much about your dev cycle anyway. I do understand that the devs juggle many concerns, however. So I’m just trying to scrape a little extra intel out of the void here. After all, this sort of info effects the way I spend my time as well.

Thanks for your understanding….and any info (vague hints and winks are fine) you can provide. 😉

Sidney Harrell

September 30, 2014 at 8:35 am

Hi Josh,
You can request access to the github account, which is a mirror of our repository. I can tell you that we have 3 full time developers adding features and fixing issues with EE4 at a pretty impressive rate. But since EE4 was a complete, ground up rewrite, there is a lot of work yet to do to add features, add-ons, gateways, etc, that were standard in EE3.
The current release is the “master” branch, the next release is the beta branch, or sometimes the hotfix branch if we need to respond to something quickly. Upstream is the alpha branch going through internal testing, and the development branch, which is where all new features are added. It does make a delay between a new feature being added and it being released, but that is by design, to allow us to test and debug at multiple levels so that we can maintain a high quality of code in the current release.


October 4, 2014 at 8:51 pm

That’s very substantive explanation. Thanks for that. I’ve applied for a github account. Hope to find some new clues there! Cheers.

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