
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Split: Recover abandoned order with automatic email notifications

Split: Recover abandoned order with automatic email notifications

Posted: March 31, 2014 at 1:08 pm


March 31, 2014 at 1:08 pm

May I chime in on this topic:
It would be lovely to have what I consider to be a very intuitive “must have” for this ‘pending reservation’.
• A pending reservation could be viewed as a “potentially interested customer that abandoned the transaction mid-way through..”

I would like an auto-responder that notifies admin that someone has a pending sign-up but did not complete it, and…

it would be very nice to have a user-definable length of time where the system ‘pings’ the person who signed up and says “We see you didn’t complete your registration. — Would you like to continue?” and an additional option would be “Send a message to the Store… {in other words, Help!}.

This is what companies like or elsewhere does and it really keeps the user engaged and reminds them that we still really want their business.
• a trigger URL option where the user could say “No, not interested” and it could cancel any further notification would be quite useful as well.

I fully recognize these are custom programming developments that I could do myself (and am seriously considering) but since this topic came up, I figured I’d put the list here as well. 🙂

If this response would be better placed in a wish-list forum, let me know.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 31, 2014 at 1:54 pm


I believe you are referring to something like this:

There is a similar feature request to send out automated reminders after a certain period of time.



March 31, 2014 at 1:56 pm

Yes, that would be the function I mentioned.

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