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Some general use/pre-sale questions…..

Posted: July 29, 2014 at 3:14 am

Allen Lee

July 29, 2014 at 3:14 am

Howdy… I’m in the development process for website of mine, trying to find a good long term events solution. I’m disabled and poor, relying on donations to try to do this hobby of mine, so I need to make a good decision/purchase from the beginning. BTW, of my questions, please answer them in relation to versions LITE, EE3, & EE4…. So, here goes…

1. Do any of your versions have the ability to when you create an Event the event ALSO posts to your blog/latest news/ etc.? I’ve found that nearly or all event plugins for some reason don’t have this ability to let site users see what’s new, events end up staying on their own page or having to use a widget to display latest. This to me should be one of the most common features of an event plugin.

It seemed EE3 has this feature when looking at the EE3/EE4 comparison list, is this correct, and does the LITE also have it?

2. I’m assuming that EE4 will eventually have all features of EE3 that are currently missing? What is the “timeline” for all those missing features and addons being added and compatible?

3. Can a person eventually update to EE4 for free if they get EE3?

4. If I get EE3 will it FOREVER be supported to be compatible with WordPress and the fixing of any bugs, you simply I’m sure won’t add new features? Or will you eventually completely faze it out to be not supported anymore, and if so, what is the timeline of that?

5. I was trying the sandbox Demo of EE4 and I was not seeing the section of “theme” styling? Currently trying the LITE version out, that is one of may favorite parts is the high quality theme designs. Does the actual EE4 have these same quality designs? Looking at the demo site it seems very “bland”.



July 29, 2014 at 4:15 am


Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso.



EE3: Yes

EE4: Events are custom post types, so are themselves a type of post. We have a small code snippet that can insert the events into your post archive


Yes, that’s the hope, though some features may not make it or will be changed as EE4 is quite different. Timeline wise, it is very hard to say so we generally try not to advise anything so as not to disappoint if we fail to make the schedule. What I can say is that the developers are working every day on different aspects of the plugin and we will release things as soon as they are ready.


Please see here: the More Power and Choice with Event Espresso 4 section.


We have not decided on a time scale or method of phasing out EE3, so I can’t currently answer that. What I can say is that we are hoping most people will eventually move over to EE4 to take advantage of the numerous new features that are currently and will be available.


EE Lite and EE3 use jQuery Themeroller to style the events and this can also be turned off to allow basic styling.

EE4 uses the themes CSS for the majority of the styling, so as to better fit in with the theme. If you require the events to stand out further, then custom CSS would need to be applied.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or need clarification.

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Event Espresso