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Slow page render time

Posted: April 16, 2016 at 4:29 am


April 16, 2016 at 4:29 am

We are having a slow load time on one of our page ( Approximate render time is 4-21 seconds and it varies from time to time when we’re testing it at We tried different plugins to increase its load time but nothing’s working. Next step we’ve done is creating another copy of our live site. Now we got an exact copy of our live site, no difference at all and when we test this page: on, it gives us only 2-3 seconds render time. Contents of this page: is exactly the same with this page: but why does the load time differ from each other? We ran a test also on other pages of our site and got a fast render time. Why is it in the only particular page, where we have an EventEspresso table we experience this? Can you give us insights why and how does this happen? Thanks.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2016 at 3:58 am

Hi there,

Your current account does not have a support license assigned to it, do you have another account with a license?

WPEngine staging server may be under less than that live, meaning it will perform quicker.

You your listing your loading ~45 events, which means for each event your loading the event post, the datetimes assigned to the event, the tickets assigned to the event and any other details. Most of it within a single query (which is quicker than multiple queries) but it needs to join the tables together to do this.

The more data, the long it takes.

The higher load on the server, the longer it takes. I’m assuming you are on a shared hosting plan? Which means that your sharing resources across multiple sites on the server.

We ran a test also on other pages of our site and got a fast render time. Why is it in the only particular page, where we have an EventEspresso table we experience this?

Because you don’t pull as much data in on other pages.

For a single page your pulling a single post and its associated meta, maybe you’ll have widgets that display recent posts etc, but still not the amount of data needed for your event list.

Try limiting the event table to display 10 events and see if that make a difference.

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