
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Shopping Cart items payment in spreadsheets

Shopping Cart items payment in spreadsheets

Posted: October 28, 2015 at 2:29 pm

Trevor Tessier

October 28, 2015 at 2:29 pm

Hello, we noticed an issue when people purchase multiple items in 1 transaction.
If they buy 2 unrelated events for example, when extracted event number 1 has the column for price and total price. For example that row will say $50 as price and total as $200. In the event spreadsheet from the included purchase it will have another row that says that event’s price, $150 for example, and the total price of $0.00. So only one of the event spreadsheets collect the total price.
The only way around this seems to be to export ALL of our hundreds of spreadsheets and combine them all manually, sort by transaction ID and we can account for them in the same transaction. Am I missing something? Is this a known issue?


  • Support Staff

October 29, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Hi Trevor,

Are you using Event Espresso 3? If so, I think that was a known issue that was fixed in Event Espresso 4.

Trevor Tessier

October 29, 2015 at 1:50 pm

It is EE3. No dice then?


  • Support Staff

October 29, 2015 at 3:37 pm

Yes, I’ve verified that the issue has been fixed in Event Espresso 4.

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