
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Selling items which we don't require user registration information-raffle ticket

Selling items which we don't require user registration information-raffle ticket

Posted: May 14, 2024 at 8:47 am

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May 14, 2024 at 8:47 am

We have an event that we are selling tickets to. For people purchasing tickets to attend the event we gather information on the person who is purchasing the ticket to the event. We are also selling raffle tickets (which we don’t want to gather the users information OR count the user at another attendee). Currently when a person purchases a ticket to attend the event and a raffle ticket upon checkout they are getting asked to fill in attendee 1 and attendee 2 informaiton even though there is only 1 attendee.

How do we sell raffle tickets or items which we want to be included on the checkout BUT not treated as someone attending the event ?


  • Support Staff

May 14, 2024 at 12:08 pm

Hi Mark,

upon checkout, they are getting asked to fill in attendee 1 and attendee 2 information even though there is only 1 attendee

How many tickets do you purchase?
If you are purchasing two tickets and getting 2 checkout forms then please edit the Event page and and the bottom right corner you can find the option “Question for additional Registrants”. You can select the checkbox and save the changes.

Hope that helps.


  • Support Staff

May 15, 2024 at 5:48 am

Hi there,

How do we sell raffle tickets or items which we want to be included on the checkout BUT not treated as someone attending the event ?

Currently, we don’t have an option for ‘add-on’ items that are not registrations.

You can set up the event as Sam suggested above to not require questions for ‘additional registrants’, but those are technically still an additional registration within EE and will count towards your sold values (It also limits your registrations to be ‘single’, as you’ll then only ever collect 1 set of info regardless of how many tickets are selected in a group).

One option is to add an additional ticket type that includes both the event and the raffle cost. So something like:

Regular ticket – $10
Regular ticket + raffle – $15

The user then selects the correct ticket to register onto for each individual registrant. However, that also limits you to what is 1 raffle ticket per attendee, which may or may not work for your use case.

The only other option I can think of for this would be using a 3rd party add-on called the price modifier add-on:

That add-on allow you to add Questions on the registration form that have a value, when the question is set/selected those values are added to the transaction. So you could have a raffle question where you set the price of the raffle as a question and then the user selects the number of raffle tickets they want to purchase, the total for those will be added onto the transaction.

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