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select all registrants

Posted: April 10, 2015 at 10:21 pm

Vauna Davis

April 10, 2015 at 10:21 pm

Hi, how do I select all the registrants at once so I can send them a message?

Vauna Davis

April 11, 2015 at 7:56 pm



  • Support Staff

April 13, 2015 at 8:21 am

Hi Vauna,

You’ll need to go to the registrations list for the event.

You can do this a few ways, but if you go to Event Espresso -> Events.

Hover over the Event you want to view the registrations for and click the ‘Registrations’ link that appears –

Click the ‘check all’ checkmark to check all attendees and click the ‘Send batch message’ button.

That will allows you to send a message to all of the selected registrants.

Does that help?

Vauna Davis

April 13, 2015 at 5:37 pm

I tried this before I posted this question, but it only selects the 50 registrants on that page. When I go to the next page, those on the first page are no longer selected. I have 18 pages of 900 registrants. I need to be able to select all of them.


  • Support Staff

April 14, 2015 at 6:09 am

You can set the amount of registrations to show on each page using the screen options –

However depending on your server that amount of registrations is likely to cause the page to time out, possibly not when loading the registrations but it is much more likely to do so when sending the message.

To note many web hosts will block high amounts of emails from being sent, mainly to prevent spam although again this heavily depends on your host/server setup.

I would recommend using a service such a MailChimp to build mailing lists for your events that can then be used to send mass emails to all registrants.

Vauna Davis

April 14, 2015 at 8:34 am

That’s disappointing, since emailing participants is a feature advertised for your product and probably one of the most critical features of an event registration software.


  • Support Staff

April 14, 2015 at 9:03 am

There may be some confusion with my reply.

Event Espresso can and does send emails to each individual registration, you can also send messages to multiple registrations at once.

However, the limits mentioned above are all limitations that are very common to be set within your server, not Event Espresso.

Selecting 900 registrations at once and issuing an email would require pulling in each individual registrations information, building the email specific to that registration, then sending that to your own server to do any number of steps, this would be done for each of those 900 registrations.

It is very likely that in time it takes to do that, your php execution time (set within php.ini on your server and default to 30 seconds) would be exceeded and your server stop the execution. This is one of the reasons you need to separate the emails into smaller selections.

However, even doing the above, your server may limit the amount of emails your site can send within a certain timeframe, this is to prevent your hosts mailserver from being blacklisted and marked as spam. Again this is a limit set within your hosting environment, not Event Espresso.

Knowing the above Event Espresso does not default to allow you to send that amount of emails, as for the majority of users it simply would not be worth it and cause more problems.

To send mass emails (not individual registration emails) it is recommended to use a service designed for that. The email service provided by your host is usually provided for convenience as most web hosts are generally not email service providers, this is why I recommended using MailChimp.

You can email all of your registrants, and you can also try all 900 at once if you prefer, however as mentioned above it is likely your server will time out in the time it takes to do so, or your host block the emails after x amount of emails have sent.

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