
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium registration flow

registration flow

Posted: April 13, 2015 at 7:45 am

Angus Russell

April 13, 2015 at 7:45 am

EE3.1.36.6 WP4.1.1

From the events calendar page we would like the event name to link to the description and details of the event, and the “Register Now” icon to link directly to the registration page. Currently both link to the event description followed by the registration – is it possible to split these?

Can we change the “Register Now” icon?

If not, is it possible to change the layout, so that the registration part comes above the details part, or at least for the link from the register icon?

Prices – the event calendar only displays the lowest price (usually a group price) is it possible to change this to display a specific price e.g. the adult price. For now I’ve edited the file so it reads “Prices from:” but this is not ideal. I’m not sure enough of my PHP to change it to read each price offered, which would be ideal – the type of entry and the cost.

I was also using the event cart shortcodes, but this went straight to payment and then to registration, which only served to confuse people!

Is there a way to utilise the cart functionality with registration more fluently?


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 13, 2015 at 9:21 am

Hi, here is an example of how to switch out the image and add support for the multiple events registration add-on:

Setting pricing that is shown per event isn’t currently available at this time.


Angus Russell

April 13, 2015 at 11:04 pm

Thanks. First, the “more” tag doesn’t appear to work – tried it both through visual and code, and choosing short descriptions in the template file appears to make no difference.

Sorry, should’ve told you that we’re using the espresso-template-calendar-table plugin and talking about changing the register icon in that, as well as changing the links from the event name, and register icon.

On these pages, e.g., accessed by clicking the event name or the register icon in the calendar table, is it possible to change the order of data so that the registration element appears at the top of the page, followed by the event details? Or to change the link, so that the event name goes to the event info, and register icon goes to registration info?

Is there a way to tweak the code to show the different price categories? If it chooses the lowest price, can we not direct it to choose the highest price instead? Or include the category name?


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 14, 2015 at 10:58 am

Hi, here are the steps on relocating the event description below the registration form:

On my last reply, you can’t select a low price for one event and then a high price for another. It would be low price for all events or the high price for all events.


Angus Russell

April 14, 2015 at 11:49 am

Thanks for the github link Lorenzo, I’ll have a play tomorrow. That should also give me a base to work from if I have other similar tweaks 🙂

We’d rather the high price was showing since that is the adult price; adults being the main consumers. The other prices are child and/or team rates per person, which are lower.

So if there is a way to get it to post the highest price that would be more than fine for us 🙂


Angus Russell

April 14, 2015 at 11:53 am

How about changing the register icon in espresso-template-calendar-table plugin, as well as having different links from the event name, and register icon, instead of them linking to the same place?


Angus Russell

April 14, 2015 at 11:56 am

Also, any idea whythe “more” tag doesn’t appear to work – tried it both through visual and code, and choosing short descriptions in the template file appears to make no difference.

Thank you

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 14, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Hi, the more tag works with the calendar for Event Espresso 4. I made an error on that as you are running Event Espresso 3.

This is possible but would require custom coding via the templates for the add-on:

How about changing the register icon in espresso-template-calendar-table plugin, as well as having different links from the event name, and register icon, instead of them linking to the same place?

We have Event Espresso professionals that can help you with that here:


Angus Russell

April 14, 2015 at 10:17 pm

OK, but I have the “Insert Read More tag” button in the event description editing screen.

The github php edit works a treat, thanks.

Angus Russell

April 14, 2015 at 10:31 pm

Event prices – on this page

what is this code for?

Event price
Number is the number of the result you want to display. For example: 0 is the first instance of the price array, 1 would be the second price in the array.

[EVENT_PRICE event_id=1 number=0]
Template Code:

<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[EVENT_PRICE event_id=”‘.$event_id.'” number=”0″]’);?>

I appreciate that this is an instruction to run a shortcode to dislpay a particular price, but why is this idea not able to be incorporated into the registration display template?


April 15, 2015 at 2:03 am

Hi Angus,

The code

<?php echo do_shortcode('[EVENT_PRICE event_id="'.$event_id.'" number="0"]');?>

does indeed work in the registration_page_display.php file. It might merely be a matter of placement in the code as, if it’s in the wrong area, it may be caught in an if-else statement or similar stopping it from being displayed.

Regarding the More tag, make sure in the Template Settings page the “Display short descriptions in the event listings?” setting is set to Yes. This will then only display the short description in the Event List (the archive, not single events). Or are you talking about a location other than the Event List or Single Event pages?

Angus Russell

April 15, 2015 at 3:09 am

Thanks Dean, just realised that I’d actually need to use it on the calendar table page where the price is displayed. I tried this without success – I do not understand enough the syntax so probably a dangerous proposition to continue!

More tag – the data is entered into the event description page, and the this is being accessed by clicking the register icon or event name link in the espresso-template-calendar-table page.

I think we’re getting into a vicious circle here – if you look back at my post about where we set up the MERS correctly, this then disrupted the workflow whereby people were looking at the events calendar, clicking on registration, then being taken to event description (with registration below it on the page) or choosing the view cart option and being taken to the cart to choose payment options before being taken to the registration page.

It was all slightly messy!

I think we need to get a coder on board!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 15, 2015 at 10:52 am

Hi, we have Event Espresso professionals that can help you with any custom coding that you may need. You can get in touch with them here:


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