
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration Confirmation going to admin email not customer's email

Registration Confirmation going to admin email not customer's email

Posted: April 29, 2014 at 2:11 pm

DM Eddy

April 29, 2014 at 2:11 pm

The Registration Confirmation containing the Registration Summary and invoice/ticket download info is being sent to the admin email address not the customer’s email address. Any ideas as to why?

Sidney Harrell

April 29, 2014 at 3:59 pm

You should get an email to the admin that always contains the ticket link, whether you have the ticketing add-on installed or not. You should also get an email to the registrant that by default does not contain the ticket link. If you are not seeing that email show up in the inbox I would check the spam folder, as it often ends up there when it appears to be missing. If you continue to experience issues with it, we recommend the Mandrill service as it will keep a record of every email sent, making it easier to track down problems.

DM Eddy

April 29, 2014 at 8:10 pm

Hi Sidney,

I feel the Registration Confirmation would be more useful to the attendee than it is to me (the admin), why do I need a copy of the ticket and receipt? Can I auto-direct this email to the attendee? Thanks

Also, is there a code-snippet to support a 24 hour no cancellation policy – i.e. the attendee cannot de-register using the My Events page 24 hours prior to the event?


April 30, 2014 at 3:29 am


The admin email cannot be turned off, but the Registrant should also be getting a reservation email. Did you check the spam folder to make sure this is being received?

Regarding the code snippet. There isn’t one but I think it is possible, but would require editing a core file which we don’t recommend. If you wanted to attempt it, I would look to doing an if else statement around the checkboxes in the my_events.php, and doing the check based on the current time versus the event start time.


  • Support Staff

April 30, 2014 at 3:39 am

I feel the Registration Confirmation would be more useful to the attendee than it is to me (the admin), why do I need a copy of the ticket and receipt? Can I auto-direct this email to the attendee? Thanks

The attendee already receives a Confirmation Email, the admin also receives a registration confirmation. If you direct this to the attendee they will receive 2 confirmation emails, the attendee email and the admin email.

Is there a test registration I can register onto to show this? Or if you run a test registration the admin email is the email starting with:

*EVENT NAME* registration confirmation

The other is the attendee registration confirmation.

Also, is there a code-snippet to support a 24 hour no cancellation policy – i.e. the attendee cannot de-register using the My Events page 24 hours prior to the event?

An easy way to achieve this would be to just disable the checkbox is todays date is >= the event start – 1 day. So if you open up espresso-members/my_events_page.php, go to line 169 you should have:

<td><input name="checkbox[<?php echo $attendee_id?>]" type="checkbox"  title="Cancel registration for <?php echo $event_name?>"></td>

Change that to

<td><input name="checkbox[<?php echo $attendee_id?>]" type="checkbox" <?php if ( strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) >= strtotime( "-1 day", strtotime($start_date)) ) { ?> disabled <?php } ?> title="Cancel registration for <?php echo $event_name?>"></td>

What that does is disable the checkbox within My Events when the current date is >= the event (start_date – 1 day)

DM Eddy

April 30, 2014 at 6:50 am

Thanks Tony! That worked like a charm. Out of curiosity, a 48 hour cancellation policy would be ( “-2 days”, strtotime($start_date)) ) ?


  • Support Staff

April 30, 2014 at 7:10 am

No problem 🙂

Yes for 48 hours just use the code you and it should work fine.

DM Eddy

May 4, 2014 at 9:20 am

Sorry guys, I’m back at it again. The registrant gets 2 emails. 1 for registering and 1 for payment confirmation. However, whether they are logged in or not, neither of these 2 emails contain a link to their receipt or the PDF Ticket Download. The administrator gets this email but the registrants don’t. Am I missing a setting? If not, I think the receipt and PDF downloads are better in the hands of the registrant – not the administrator. Ideas?

DM Eddy

May 5, 2014 at 6:21 am

I now see the short codes to put those links into a customized email. Problem solved.

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