
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration cap countdown challenge

Registration cap countdown challenge

Posted: February 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm

Susan Johnston

February 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm

Hi – Thanks for responding to my tweet today. Here’s what I’m trying to do.

Buy workshop A (there are 24 seats, EE will track as sold)
Buy workshop B (24 seats, as with A, tracking is good)
Buy both and get a discounted price (is there a way to reduce seats in both A and B as they are sold through this link?)

Sounds pretty complex. Any hope? Current plan is to track manually and reduce seat count as they are sold. Not ideal.

Thanks – Cheers – Sue Johnston @itsunderstood


  • Support Staff

February 5, 2015 at 4:41 am

Hi Susan,

Are you using EE3 or EE4?

With EE4 you can assign limits to both your datetimes and tickets. So I would set this up using 2 datetimes, one for each workship. Both with a limit of 24.

Then create 3 tickets. One to purchase a ticket for Workshop A, one for Workshop B and the final one for both.

With EE4 you can assign tickets to certain datetimes, so the ticket for workshop A would only be assigned to the workshop A datetime, the ticket for B, to datetime B and finally, the discount ticket, assigned to both.

This sounds really complicated when reading but its actually really simple to setup. I’ll show you an example:

Create the event with 2 datetimes and 3 tickets –

Then edit the Workshop A ticket and set it to only apply to Workshop A (Datetime) –

Same for the Workshop B ticket –

And finally for the Combo ticket, check that both datetimes are selected –

Tickets only apply to the values for the datetimes they are assigned to. So we are using the datetime limit set an overall limit for each class (you could also set limis on each individual ticket if you want, say you only want to sell a max of 10 ‘combo’ ticket, set that tickets qty to 10)

So now when a user wants to register onto that event they will see something like this –

Selecting either Workshop a or b ticket will add a value only to the datetime that ticket is set to, so a registration on Workshop A shows like this –

Then another with just the Workshop B ticket –

Notice how the sales only apply to each datetime?

Now finally a Combo ticket –

The combo ticket applied a sale to both of those datetimes.

If either datetime sells out (for example most users purchased Workshop A first) then the combo ticket will also ‘Sell out’, because one of the datetimes is no longer available –

Does that help?

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