
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration Approved Emails Not Sending After Payment

Registration Approved Emails Not Sending After Payment

Posted: March 14, 2023 at 10:31 am

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March 14, 2023 at 10:31 am

This is to follow up on an unresolved issue we opened 2 years ago. Opening again in order to submit a priority support request.

— Updated Description of issue —

When a user purchases a single or multiple tickets to an event and enters information for each attendee, after paying (via paypal offsite) the only email that is generated is “Payment Received” to the primary registrant as well as the event admin.

As an admin, clicking “Resend Registration details” on the registration successfully kicks off all emails that should go out with approval (Reg details as well as group registration details).

All associated templates are marked as active, and the system is set to send emails “on the same request.” These messages are not failing to send, but are not being generated at all. The registrations are properly transitioning from “Pending payment” status to “Approved” with payment. We are unsure when this stopped working, but we are currently on EE 4.10.45p.

Enabling the debug log during a transaction workflow has not produced any errors. How can we go about getting these emails to automatically generate when marking transactions as approved via our payment plugin?


  • Support Staff

March 14, 2023 at 5:46 pm

Hi there,

Just noting here that I have replied directly to your support token via email.

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