
Home Forums Recurring Events Manager Add-on Recurring Event Manage drop down list not displaying correctly

Recurring Event Manage drop down list not displaying correctly

Posted: June 14, 2015 at 8:13 pm

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Brian Post

June 14, 2015 at 8:13 pm

I am having two problems with the recurring events add on drop down list using the custom files. (I am using EE3 because I need the muti-event registration)

I went through the documentation at

1st Problem:
The result is a drop down list that just has dashes for the names/dates of the events. If I hover the curser over a dash the title/date will show but this clearly not how it should work. This is visible on my test page

2nd Problem:
All my events show in this drop down list. My understanding was that it was only supposed to show the various iterations of the recurring event. (In this case events called pre-tests which take place each of the 5 days leading up to an actual test.) However in this case all my events, workshops, tests, and pretests are all in the drop down menu. Could this be resolved using a separate event category for pre-tests? or is this dropdown just malfunctioning?


June 15, 2015 at 4:07 am

Hi Brian,

Let’s focus on the first issue to begin with. I’m hoping that the second issue is related, if not we can clear that up after issue one is resolved.

Please can you confirm what version of the Recurring Event Manager you are using?

Also, the version for Custom Templates addon and the Recurring Events Dropdown addon.

One other thing, you have a lot of custom templates in the wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates folder – these are from the old Custom Files addon, are they still required by you?
If not, I would recommend removing them (or simply rename that folder to templates_OLD or something like that).

Brian Post

June 15, 2015 at 4:46 am

Hi Dean, thanks for your help on this.

I just downloaded the recurring events manager and custom templates add on yesterday, so I assume they are the latest versions. I believe recurring events manager is 1.1.8 and the custom files is 3.1.

I had just dropped all the custom files into the templates folder thinking I might need some for later, hmm thinking about that it was probably a bad idea. Anyway I put all the unused templates in a “unused templates” folder.

Unfortunately there does not seem to be any change in the dropdown.

I thought the recurring events dropdown add on was a separate add on that resulted in a table like view. As that was not what I was looking for I did not purchase or download it, and it was not mentioned in so I would not think it would be need for what I am trying to do here?


June 15, 2015 at 5:19 am

Hi Brian,

Just to clarify: The custom files addon is somewhat deprecated now, and should only be used when needing specific templates or needing to create very customised templates.

The Recurring Dropdown addon requires the Custom Template Display addon to be installed – I’m assuming it is otherwise you would just see a shortcode, but if you could clarify the the following:

That the Custom Template Display addon version is 1.1
That the Recurring Dropdown addon version is 1.1

The Recurring Dropdown addon will indeed create a table like view, here is a basic example:

Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this?

If so, please send them via

NOTE: login details need to be Admin level

Brian Post

June 23, 2015 at 12:02 pm

Hello Dean, I submitted the the login info for wp and ftp on about 5 days ago, any help? This issue is not yet resolved…


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 23, 2015 at 1:52 pm

Hi Brian, that dropdown has some commented code appearing:

I think the confusion is that you are using some sample coding from the wiki article which isn’t a complete solution like the events dropdown template which is here:

Note that the custom template add-on provides a table view template layout and additional layouts such as the recurring events dropdown template are premium add-ons.

Does that sound like what you are experiencing?


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