
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Promo Code will not apply to EACH ticket in the shopping cart?

Promo Code will not apply to EACH ticket in the shopping cart?

Posted: December 7, 2015 at 1:28 am


December 7, 2015 at 1:28 am

I’m using EE4. Is there a way for the Promotions add-on to allow a dollar amount discount for EACH item in the shopping cart?
Here’s what’s happening:
1. The shopping cart has a quantity of 5 widgets being purchased
2. Customer inputs the promo code to receive $3.00 off each item
3. The shopping cart will ONLY calculate ONE $3.00 discount (a discount off of only one item)
Here’s what I NEED to happen:
1. The shopping cart has a quantity of 5 widgets being purchased
2. Customer inputs the promo code to receive $3.00 off each item
3. The shopping cart calculates a discount of $15.00


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2015 at 4:10 am

Hi Rauna,

Currently promotion codes within EE4 are applied to events, they are fixed (percentage or dollar) discounts that can be assigned to a specific event (or all events) rather than actual tickets.

Rather than using a dollar discount you could use a percentage, if you work out the discount needed for a single ticket that percentage discount will be applied on the event, meaning regardless of the amount of tickets/widgets purchased they will receive the correct discount. Would that work?

Within Event Espresso we call what the discount applies to the ‘scope’, when creating a promotion you’ll see the scope in the fields –

Currently we support ‘Event’ scopes although we have had feature requests for a ‘Ticket’ scope so that discounts are applied per ticket so I will add your thread to that feature request.

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