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Pre-sale questions – Yoga Studio

Posted: August 24, 2015 at 8:58 am


August 24, 2015 at 8:58 am


We want to use this plugin for our yoga studio. Can you confirm that it can handle the following functions:-

1. We will create various classes being held at various times, for various teachers. These should be displayed in a calendar format.

2. Users will have the option to join as a member paying a monthly automatically recurring fee (we’ll be using the Stripe add-on) and have unlimited ability to book onto any class. They should then be able to cancel their membership.

3. Users can also pay for a one off class without the need to register as a member.

4. We need to be able to view stats such as number of attendees at a particular class

5. It would be good if members could login and view their stats, such as classes attended.

6. Is it possible to create a rewards/points system with EE? Or can you recommend a plugin that would work with EE?

7. When the classes is about to begin, we want the teacher to view a list of attendees and check them off as they arrive. This should also then log in the back end who has attended.

8. If a user cancels their class and they previously paid a one off attendance fee, will this automatically get refunded or would they need to email us and we manually do it?

9. When will the S2 Member integration be released?

10. If a user consistently fails to show up to a class, how can we best manage this? i.e. is there a report we can run showing us the culprits? Can we then restrict how far in advance they can book a class, etc?

11. If we sell a multi class pass, i.e. 10 classes for £50. Can EE track how many of those 10 have been used? Can it then inform them when they are down to say 2 and prompt them to renew?

12. If we decide to use the QR code feature, is it possible for the monthly members to have one QR code that can be used for each class they attend, or do they get a new QR code for each new class that they book onto? If the former can this QR code be integrated with the iOS Passkit somehow?

13. When using EE on our site, and when this is viewed on a mobile will it be responsive and look good or is CSS customisation required on our part?

14. Are the various EE forms customisable, for example if you call something an ‘event’ can we change this to ‘class’ in the code?

15. Is the calendar filterable by say ‘Teacher’ or ‘Yoga Style’?

16. Is EE compatible with W3 Total Cache?

17. Can our teachers have a certain type of access that allows them to view their classes and see who’s coming, but be restricted only to being able to view this? For example we wouldn’t want them to view client contact details or client payment details, just the name.

Thanks very much

Jonathan Wilson

August 24, 2015 at 4:07 pm

Hello there,

Thank you for contacting us! We appreciate your interest in Event Espresso. Please see my answers below.

1. We will create various classes being held at various times, for various teachers. These should be displayed in a calendar format.

Yes. This is possible with EE4. Our People add-on creates a dashboard for managing people associated with an organization and/or event. People can be organized by type (e.g. as staff (default option) or volunteer, speaker, sponsor, etc.) and categories.

2. Users will have the option to join as a member paying a monthly automatically recurring fee (we’ll be using the Stripe add-on) and have unlimited ability to book onto any class. They should then be able to cancel their membership.

The membership part of this is not a feature of EE. However, you can use a plugin like one of these list here: in order to manage the site memberships. Then, you can use the WP User Integration add-on to set up member only events.

3. Users can also pay for a one off class without the need to register as a member.

Yes. This is also possible while using the WP User Integration (but not required).

4. We need to be able to view stats such as number of attendees at a particular class

Yes. it is possible to view the attendee data in the EE dashboard. Is there anything specific you are looking for?

5. It would be good if members could login and view their stats, such as classes attended.

Using the WP User Integration add-on, logged in users can view events they’ve registered for in the past, just by logging into your website and viewing their profile from within the WordPress admin.

6. Is it possible to create a rewards/points system with EE? Or can you recommend a plugin that would work with EE?

Can you explain what you are looking for? We don’t currently have this type of system in place.

7. When the classes is about to begin, we want the teacher to view a list of attendees and check them off as they arrive. This should also then log in the back end who has attended.

You can allow teachers to have access to the EE dashboard to view their attendees. The teachers can then check attendees in as they arrive.

8. If a user cancels their class and they previously paid a one off attendance fee, will this automatically get refunded or would they need to email us and we manually do it?

The refund will need to be processed manually.

9. When will the S2 Member integration be released?

I do not have a estimated time of completion for this.

10. If a user consistently fails to show up to a class, how can we best manage this? i.e. is there a report we can run showing us the culprits? Can we then restrict how far in advance they can book a class, etc?

There is not a report like this. However, you can view a list of all events and their registrants to see who has/has not attended.

11. If we sell a multi class pass, i.e. 10 classes for £50. Can EE track how many of those 10 have been used? Can it then inform them when they are down to say 2 and prompt them to renew?

This is not a function of EE.

12. If we decide to use the QR code feature, is it possible for the monthly members to have one QR code that can be used for each class they attend, or do they get a new QR code for each new class that they book onto? If the former can this QR code be integrated with the iOS Passkit somehow?

No. This is not possible with EE. The QR codes are generated at the time of registration and each code is unique to a specific event and individual attendee.

13. When using EE on our site, and when this is viewed on a mobile will it be responsive and look good or is CSS customisation required on our part?

Yes. EE is designed to be responsive. However, some themes may override EE’s design. If your theme is responsive, then EE should look great.

14. Are the various EE forms customisable, for example if you call something an ‘event’ can we change this to ‘class’ in the code?

Yes. This can be done with a plugin like Quick Localization:

15. Is the calendar filterable by say ‘Teacher’ or ‘Yoga Style’?

This is not currently a feature of the calendar. However, if you set a category for each teacher and add the appropriate teacher category to each event, then you can use the category filtering in the calendar.

16. Is EE compatible with W3 Total Cache?

We recommend disabling cache on EE pages. Caching EE pages could cause issues.

17. Can our teachers have a certain type of access that allows them to view their classes and see who’s coming, but be restricted only to being able to view this? For example we wouldn’t want them to view client contact details or client payment details, just the name.

Yes. You can use a plugin like Members or User Role Editor to lock down certain areas of the WordPress dashboard, and event Event Espresso.

​I am happy to answer anymore questions you might have.


August 28, 2015 at 6:54 am

2. Users will have the option to join as a member paying a monthly automatically recurring fee (we’ll be using the Stripe add-on) and have unlimited ability to book onto any class. They should then be able to cancel their membership.
The membership part of this is not a feature of EE. However, you can use a plugin like one of these list here: in order to manage the site memberships. Then, you can use the WP User Integration add-on to set up member only events.

We use S2 Member currently which has custom membership levels (e.g. S2 Member Level 1). If we wanted anyone with ‘S2 Member Level 1’ to have all classes for free would this be possible? (i.e. does EE recognise custom membership levels or does it only recognise the WordPress default of ‘Subscriber’.

Also, if we had a membership where the user gets 4 classes per month for a fee, is there anyway of preventing them from booking onto a class once they’ve used up their 4 classes?

3. Users can also pay for a one off class without the need to register as a member.
Yes. This is also possible while using the WP User Integration (but not required).

Ok so someone could go onto our website, select the class and pay without needing to sign up in any way?

17. Can our teachers have a certain type of access that allows them to view their classes and see who’s coming, but be restricted only to being able to view this? For example we wouldn’t want them to view client contact details or client payment details, just the name.
Yes. You can use a plugin like Members or User Role Editor to lock down certain areas of the WordPress dashboard, and event Event Espresso.

Does EE have options to choose what areas of EE a certain member level can view?


  • Support Staff

August 28, 2015 at 8:37 am

Hi Si,

Re 2. Event Espresso recognizes certain capabilities (, by settings a certain capability required for the event ( So, as long as you assign a capability to the ticket or to the level 1 role, then certain tickets will only be available to that role of user.

I’m unaware of a way to prohibit someone from registering for a certain number of classes in a certain period. That restriction would have to be thought through and developed independently. They might check the registration/transaction records for the Contact.

Re 3. Right, you can configure the Login Required on Registration setting to NO and then people will NOT be required to be logged in to register.

Re. 17 Event Espresso has capabilities built in so you can use a role/capabilities plugin for your teachers and only give them the access you want them to have:


August 29, 2015 at 3:22 am

Thanks for your replies.

Re 2. Event Espresso recognizes certain capabilities (, by settings a certain capability required for the event ( So, as long as you assign a capability to the ticket or to the level 1 role, then certain tickets will only be available to that role of user.

But I would want the ‘event’ to be available to both ‘S2 Level 1’ members but also to non members. S2 Level 1 members would get the event for free and non members would need to pay. Is this possible?

They might check the registration/transaction records for the Contact.

What do you mean?


August 31, 2015 at 6:26 am


You would have to add two tickets: one with a price for none members and one with zero cost for Level 1 members. Then set the level 1 member ticket capability.

That way the non members would only be able to access the ticket with a price and the members can see both (naming the ticket appropriately can guide members to select the free ticket).

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