
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Payment received email says whole amount paid if only partial payment has been m

Payment received email says whole amount paid if only partial payment has been m

Posted: February 8, 2014 at 8:35 pm

Lucinda Dalrymple

February 8, 2014 at 8:35 pm

I am having a similar problem as this topic: Sending “payment received” notice not showing accurate payment in email. Registrants can pay by check in 3 installments. When I edit the attendee’s payment with the 1/3 payment amount, and click “yes” to sending a payment received notice, the registrant gets a payment received email saying they paid the whole cost.

The topic I cited above says:

Event Espresso doesn’t officially support partial payments, so in this case you can send out a partial payment email -or- hold off on sending the payement (sic) received notice until the payment has been made in full.

Is this still the case? And if so, is there some official Event Espresso way to do the partial payment email, or do I need to do that outside of Event Espresso? Or might there be a custom email tag for the current payment amount that I could insert somewhere?



  • Support Staff

February 10, 2014 at 6:03 am

Hi Lucinda,

There isn’t one built in but due to recent development work its not that hard to add, the only downside is that you’ll need to modify a core function, which is not pluggable and will be overwritten after each EE update. (So you’ll need to repeat this after each EE update)

Open up event-espresso/includes/functions/email.php go to line 55. You should see:


Add a comma to that line and on the next line add “[amount_pd]” so it now looks like this on lines 55-57.


Then go to what is now line 123, it will just be a )

add a comma and on the next line add $payment_data[‘amount_pd’]

so now lines 123-125


Then go to Event Espresso -> General Settings. Find the Payment Received email settings (if not using the default then go to the Email manager and alter that one)

Change [event_price] to [amount_pd] and save the settings.

Now the email will use the total amount received. This will accumulate, so say there was 3 payments of $10, the first email will show $10 when you enter that payment, the next time you enter a $10 payment the email will show $20 (as that’s the total amount paid) etc.

I’ll create a ticket to include this within Event Espresso but can’t currently comment on if/when this will be included.

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