Posted: April 30, 2021 at 8:51 pm
Hello, I have been testing the system everyday since I get different types of complain so please bear with me for all these tickets. I see a status “Overpaid” It says under Paid column – “$430” |
Do you know if this was a group registration (more than one ticket purchased at the same time)? Can you please share a screenshot of the registration record? You can share it privately. |
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That transaction having no Primary Contact and showing as free hints to same issue from your other thread. Open the Transaction but clicking on the Transaction Date, what is listed in the ‘Transaction Items’ (aka line item) section? |
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Yeah, there’s no transaction items listed there again, which is basically the same as having a bill for nothing. The reason it’s showing as overpaid is there must be a payment assigned to it which has a status of approved. So if I hand you a bill for $0 and you’ve paid me $430, you’ve overpaid, right? Have you checked that payment in PayPal to confirm if that went through there? What types of caching do you have enabled on the site? |
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From what I have been reading in the community, it becomes Overpaid if they paid maybe tax in Paypal so it becomes Overpaid. But why is the transaction status in EE “0” as if the student didnt pay. |
Hi Charlie,
Apologies but I don’t understand the above.
?? This is not a ‘EE didn’t tell PayPal someone paid’ issue, that’s not how it works.
Does the transaction show no items like the one you sent me above?
The overpaid issue is due to there being no ‘Transaction items’ (we also call those line items) on the transaction and we only see that when there caching involved. I asked above but I think you missed it, what types of caching do you have enabled on the site? The first thing that needs to be done, is to disable caching. You can exclude EE’s pages from caching but to confirm this issue first the best thing to do is to purge all caches and disable all caching to see if you stop getting reports of this.
That’s not your issue. To explain an EE_Transaction is built up of ‘line items’…. 1 x Ticket A line item And so on, all of that data is used to generate the values within the transaction. The registrations you’ve shown me don’t have any line items, which means there’s nothing to pay, its essentially an empty bill. It’s not normal or expected for those to have no line items attached to them but as mentioned above we only ever see that come up with caching (because line items for Transaction 1 are then used on Transaction 2 and overwrite the previous ones). |
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Because the line items for Student A are getting mixed up with Student B and the most likely cause for this is caching. De-activate the cache on the site, don’t just exclude EE pages…. deactivate all caching and see if you stop getting reports of this. You can’t cache e-commerce, each and every single request for e-commerce is unique to that individual.
Can you explain further what you mean by ‘system failed to let Paypal know theres a class purchased’? Event Espresso does not ‘let PayPal know there is a class purchased’, EE creates EE_Registrations and an EE_Transaction. The Transaction show says X amount is owed and it does this using the line items assigned to that transaction. So then on the payment options step EE basically says X amount is owed, select your payment method. The user selects the Payment method and is directed over to PayPal… PayPal then tells Event Espresso a payment has been made and EE assigns that payment to the EE_Transaction.
Disable caching within WP Rocket.
I can’t see their line items so I can’t tell you if it’s the same issue.
See: I recommend disabling WP Rocket for the time being but if you want to exclude EE pages follow the above. |
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Yeah so the ‘Payment’ within EE is correct, its shown exactly as it should. EE created a payment object for each student and PayPal verified that those payments were successful. The problem is not with the connection to/from PayPal here, its an issue with the EE Transaction items being missing, EE doesn’t know what that 2 payments are actually for because something (again, likely the caching enabled on your site) has come along and wiped the transaction items out.
I don’t understand what you mean here? How else should Event Espresso show this? As mentioned above, if I gave you a bill/invoice which showed no items at all, with no price to pay (because someone come along and deleted them from the invoice)…. but it also had a payment on it for $XXX, that bill is overpaid because as far as that bill/invoice is concerned, there is nothing to pay but you’ve made a payment. To be clear, this isn’t normal or expected behaviour, you should not be getting transactions with no line items. Caching e-commerce causes problems such as these which is why I’ve recommend you disable all caching for the time being to confirm it is actually caching causing it (if it were something in EE itself we’d see this reported a LOT more).
Does Completely disable WP Rocket for the time being (and clear all caches) and then see if you get more reports of this moving forward. The above transactions are broken and wont be fixed by the above, they need to be manually re-created but there is no point doing that until the cause of this is removed. |
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